
what went right?

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All of China thinks Ukraine has US biolabs that are engineering an anti asian virus (specifically anti-chinese virus) as well as an anti-russian virus. I am not kidding, my wife is Taiwanese who laughs at mainland news and she says all of mainland china believes america will release the anti-asian virus next and wipe out china, so russia saved china by going in. So russia and china are now like two peas in a pod.

The Russian people have been liberated from the neoliberal economic leverage apparatus. They're free, but too poor to appreciate it.

Israel is probably very pleased that their new favorite goy employed their battle tactics

Attached: 2b30d9420a68a621ce98b3e24ac776b1.jpg (4658x3592, 976.02K)

Losing mainly expendables for the russian part of Ukraine, and slowly starting a competition between the petrodollar with Chinese help.

Attached: Herb.jpg (674x500, 230.74K)

Not a lot.

Chad balding manlet genes

>no mcdonalds
>no video games
>no porn
>no credit cards
>no loans to airbus
>no pretending to like europeans
>united states economy crippled
>russia now a totally polarized issue, unprecidented right wing grassroots support
>redditfags getting massacred
>iran about in invade iraq
>china about to invade taiwan
>india about to invade pakistan
>canadians about to start shooting eachother
this is going pretty well i think

Geopolitically Russia is winning big time from this. Sanctions hurt EU much more than Russia. Azeris are backing Russia in oil and gas blockade. China is onboard with trade bypassing USD. Somehow US managed to even push India towards Russia.
Tactically things on the ground aren't going so well. Clearly Russian military has ways to go.

>canadians about to start shooting eachother
pfft I wish. Canadians are cattle, and even trucker protesters pride themselves on being law-abiding, regardless of what the laws are.

Nonsense. Sanctions are turning Russia into Zimbabwe and there is nothing China can do to help Russia.


Yes, but China has always been retarded, that's not new.

Lurking on LIHKG, they are mad at Hong Kong for the covid outbreak THEY started.

Attached: China-Russia No Homo.jpg (540x453, 57.89K)

Hongkongers are working as underclass slaves in the UK now.
Now rights for citizenship, no rights for welfare, no opportunities for renting shitty stinky apartments, most of them are homeless.

>Sanctions hurt EU much more than Russia

Store prices in Russia:

Corruption . . . people who the state paid to make sure the military was working, stole the money instead . . . It's like the retards who got rich selling the USA the f-35.

Attached: f-30pepe.png (457x385, 157.61K)

Anglos treat their slaves better than communists treat their comrades.


I'm not even saying that it's fine, but well, between bad and worse, you go with bad.


But it's extremely good schadenfreude if you have the stomach for that:

>Be an elitist banker in Hong Kong
>superb salary, at the top of the world
>can buy anything, can travel anywjere and enjoy everything the planet offers
>Choose to fight for British interests
>have to flee to UK
>become homeless
>cry like a bitch
In the end the UK lost everything and he lost everything. Was it worth it?

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he owned some libcucks in a potato farm i guess