Jews in ukraine

>Jews in ukraine
>Biolabs & bioweapons
>Tissue samples collected from ethnic russians
Bros... how bad is this going to get?

Attached: Screenshot_20220313-215644_Chrome.jpg (1079x1165, 389.71K)

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Semites killing semites. I will fund both sides

>implying it hasnt been adapted over the past 24 years
Think about all the dna samples and ethnic information they now have from ancestry companies and such

Jews can't bioweapon others. Being dysgenic as they are, their immune systems are shit.
Which is why they suffer from allergies and asthma as much. Myopia too, but that's unrelated to imune system.
Either way, they are walking petri dishes, with zero auto imunity, so no, subhumans can't design a bioweapon to take out the master races, that wouldn't take them out first.

>the Ukies are our brothers and they'll welcome us as liberators
>uhm no actually they are evil neonazis
>or maybe globohomo jews
>we didn't invade at all
>maybe we did
>we need to defend the Donbass
>it's about NATO
>no actually it's about secret American biolabs
>we aren't killing civilians
>ok maybe we are but they deserved it

I don't know if the narrative can get much worse, tbqh

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Nigger I don't care about the conflict I care about jews nuking goyim off of the face of the earth

I think about the chickens of key west and how "science" has spent decades trying to murder them with all kinds of poisons and bioweapons.

we're the chickens.

This is probably why they pushed every state in the usa to pass laws protecting them. Forcing companies to sign paperwork stating loyalty to Israel if they wanted any state contracts

What? Multiple things can be true at once. geopolitical wars are complicated and are not started just because of one singular reason.

The biolab shit is the only bulletin point there that's obviously really minor, recent and just used to stoke the flames but obviously isn't a major reason for this war.

I can show that this is real.
Global distribution of deaths is uneven demographically.
Jews least affected.
Areas most targeted: in Europe, Poland/Ukraine/Russia. In North Am, US, in South Am Brazil. In Asia, India.

Attached: ACE2_Variants.jpg (2048x946, 108.59K)


And they are descended from arabs.

Every data I saw so far affirmed the opposite.

Goodbye whitey.

red herring, the filthy jews have already jewjabbed all the Arabs Palestinians.

They absolutely can when they fucking jewjab the White Gentile world in the fucking arm repeatedly.

Not going to happen. Way too messy. Hence jewjabbing every cunt.

Jews are way more vaxxed than Palestinians though and have vax passports while Palestinians have no such thing.

>Bros... how bad is this going to get?
>I can show that this is real
Checked this.

Attached: Why 4Chan is being slid with shillers pushing the brother war for bankers (Late Feb 2022), (Covid enables Big Pharma to profit bigly to enslave you and your descendents forever).png (1080x3773, 483.79K)

jews got saline/kosher vaxx, retardimus.

You think they’re going to mRNA themselves you fucking moron?

something tells me they looked at actual Jewish genetics, weighed the risk/reward of losing up to 90% of Israels population and dropped the subject altogether.

Oops the jews accidentally dropped their somali devouring virus in my country and raised the GDP.

Purim is in two days