Fuck Electric Car shills and Public Transport /n/iggers. Embrace Alternative Fuels

And no, bikes aren't an option for people who have to commute 30 miles to work so that way our kids can live far away from niggers and go to nigger-free schools.
We need to explore alternative fuels for traditional gas- and diesel-powered vehicles. Ultimately gas and diesel engines are able to run on other stuff besides gasoline and diesel, and offer unparalleled flexibility compared to electric shit.
In fact, I can buy a used V8 Crown Victoria and spend all the way up to $12 per gallon for 5 years, and STILL spend less than on a new Tesla Model 3.

Ethanol and wood gas are the two most commonly cited alternative fuels for gas cars
>Ethanol is harder to make by a long shot, but cleaner
>Wood gas is easily accessible, and can be made with any dried biomatter - wood, grass, even manure. As long as it is dry and combustible, it can be used
In my personal opinion, wood gas is for home generator use because of the stationary nature and ease of storage of the fuel - biomass, and the fact that you don't need to go into a tight engine bay to service the engine of a car. Wood gas is super dirty and needs lots of filtering, or cleaning of the engine in question.
Ethanol is what you should run in a car instead.

Seed oils are the biodiesel alternative for your Powerstroke, Duramax, or Cummins.
>Fun fact, diesel engines were originally designed to run on vegetable oils, hence why a lot of homemade biodiesel involves the use of used fast food fry oil today
So when a shill goes off about your $60k truck that he couldn't even afford a down payment on, first, learn to make, then make some, biodiesel at home, and fuel your truck with it successfully.
Then tell him to fuck off.

Attached: moonshine.jpg (701x539, 56.95K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck car shills. Embrace trains.

The Dukes of Hazzard used moonshine. You should too.
Most flex fuel cars can run off of straight moonshine, AKA 96% ethanol, from the factory. Most other cars can be modified to do so.

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in the diagram you want the cold water inlet to be at the bottom, and the outlet to be at the top

Not all Diesel engines are built to withstand biodiesel. DONT POUR BIODIESEL INTO YOUR NORMIE-150 PICKUP TRUCK. That being said I’m 110% supportive of biodiesel/alternative fuel>(((electric)))

Eh, I need to make a thread that isn't another shill EV thread. Gimme a better pic and I'll run with it going forward.

>Wood gas
Wood gas how-tos are all over youtube. The US government put How To manuals on wood gasifiers.
Back in the day, wood gasification was how streetlights were powered before electric lights. You had gas lines filled with wood gas, which used to be derived from coal, and still can't be, but you can't just walk into your backyard and find coal.
You can, however, use grass clippings, if you dry it out.

Go into detail, please. We need something that isn't shill EV threads in this place.
Also a reminder that a biofueled technical is a possibility in any civil conflict in the US. Maybe not a Toyota, but still.

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The problem with running pure ethanol is colder climates, that's why they sell E85 rather than E100 here like they do in Brazil. Anything sub 40 degrees F you're going to have a tough time starting it.

I posted giant threads listing dozens of alternatives fuels, how to synthesize them, how to improve fuel economy, … years ago mostly on /n/.
It was completely ignored as expected but the number of choices is huge, natural gas is the best one to use right now.

Hard to start is one thing, but the fact is you can make it yourself. You want self sufficiency, and as little reliance on chinese rare earths as possible? If you go with a gasoline engine, ethanol and the thimbleful of methanol that comes with the distilled ethanol is the choice for you.
Please don't drink the methanol, you'll go blind. Ethanol you can drink though.

Daily reminder that EVfags are tied to the whims of their overlord Musk. You do not have Freedom 0, 1, 2, or 3. If you don't know what those freedoms are, go look them up.
Then go seed some /t/ stuff.

You got an archive link for that stuff? I'll repost if I can. We need to distance from electric shit. EV stuff is 100% globohomo sponsored with tracking devices everywhere.

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Nah, it’s archived but you are a jew. If you search for relevant keywords you will find it.

You should have posted it on /o/ or Any Forums. /n/iggers fully support the globohomo Everyone Takes Public Transport shit.

I posted some stuff on both, I was being remotely tortured at the time so posting on /n/ seemed less unpleasant, because the threads were allowed to stay for days.

I actually did the math on this within the past week, I would roughly need to ferment about 720 lbs of fruit bi-weekly to continue my daily life as usual using E100, 600 lbs if I mixed it with 15% gasoline. I don't own any orchards, so it's going to be a full time job just sourcing the fruit, assuming I want to do this as cheaply as possible.

We could literally have perfected a small hydrogen tank by now and literally have free energy for our cars, but retards wanted the quick and easy "muh electric cars" bullshit.
Given enough protection, the tanks can easily survive crashes. Only offset is weight, but it's clear car manufacturers don't give a single shit about weight because the 2022 CIVIC weighs 3000 fucking pounds lmao. They literally renamed the accord to the civic and bumped the accord into its own outrageously overweight category.

Based SNCF InOui enjoyer

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This is why wood gas is the best option for short trips, and ethanol is the luxury long-distance fuel. Never mind the time to distill the ethanol, etc.
I think it's about 40 lb of wood or other dry combustible material to go 60 miles on wood gas using the gasifier method. The main problem with wood gas is the setup. You basically have to tow a trailer behind you and pipe wood gas into the intake. And you'll still be down about 50% on power. The old WW2 cars had a better time of it because they were so much less powerful but also lighter.

Attached: gasifier trailer.jpg (691x507, 99.68K)

Producing hydrogen releases alot of CO2 into the armosphere, let alone the low combustion efficiency of H2 which means you need a huge tank to drive for a reasonable range (300-400miles). The only way to produce green H2 is using electeolysis method, with electricity provided by nuclear powerplants. But since greens keep pushing the "muh nuclear le bad", there are slim chances that we will ever have 100% green H2 in the future.

Here in burgerland, we're only 56% white mutts, remember? Our trains are full of niggers and spics and other undesirables.
If we could purge the undesirables I'd have no problem with trains. As it is, they're unusable.

I was looking into gasifier's. I've heard some get insane mileage using this system. Wouldn't it be better to just put it on the back of a pickup

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Are you allowed to drive such an engine without licensing in the US? Here you can litterally go to jail if you drive an ulicensed engine down the street.

Think weight. Trucks are heavy, and again, it's the fact that you have to lug the gasifier with you, along with 40 lbs of wood to refuel the gasifier. With ethanol you don't need to pull the moonshine still with you. Plus gasifiers are filthy - wood gas needs a lot of filtration to get the tar and water vapor and other shit out of it.
Basically the issue with gasifiers comes down to size and efficiency, and filtration. It's why I support stationary use for gasifiers. You don't have to lug around 40 lbs of very dry wood, and you don't have to worry about hills. You lose like 50% of your engine power with wood gasification.
WW2 cars like this VW with a gasifier only made like 50 hp max, so it wasn't a big issue. But modern cars make 160 hp minimum. Most midsized cars make at least 200 hp. All SUVs are basically over the 300 hp range, with the weight on top of it.

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user. Niggers don't use train travel.

Yes we are. In burgerland, the cops only care about insurance and that your car has a license plate that isn't stolen. You yuropeans can mock burgers for many things, but in terms of personal freedoms we are unmatched.

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They do. The subways and anything remotely urban are packed full of niggers. Unless you mean stuff like amtrak, which tends to have fewer niggers, but runs on freight lines.
Burgerland has the worst passenger rail in the world and the best freight rail in the world.

Electric Cars are just another brick in the wall of the global digital society/identification prison. In addition to them being expensive and over engineered as hell in addition to materially unsustainable on top of the power grid being unable to support them.

If these faggots were actually interested in anything EVs are reported to "solve" they would focus on maximizing the use of existing road cars and cutting down on new car production. Especially the regular petrol/lpg/diesel powered road cars that already do

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>comes down to size and efficiency, and filtration.
Makes sense. I think you're right, get a stationary gasifier as backup and use ethanol for vehicles. thanks fren

Christ, this is why you don't cycle on main streets.

I have no doubt wood gas could be pressurized and liquified to fit into a smaller tank. I'm still more on the side of hydrogen and/or saltwater engines.