
Attached: FNvkgF7WYAMH4ot.jpg (472x305, 19.16K)

Playing dumb? Luring Russians into a slaughterhouse?

this board still thinks trump won the 2020 election its hopeless dont waste your time

This is your reminder pol was wrong about:
>Trump being a good president
>Trump winning in 2020
>Electoral fraud
>Trump overturning the election results
>The coof being a fake
>The vaxx being dangerous
>And everything else
Any Forums is a cesspit of failure and inadequacy. If you agree with the narrative pushed here, you're a low-iq easily controlled rat who has only himself to blame for his pitiful life circumstances.

Posting in a Jewish discord tranny demoralization thread

Lmaoing at Ukraine. Open borders for Israel

reminder that you will never be a real woman

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When I come here I honestly can't decide whether it's more funny or sad

this happens because no one knows what Russian's actual goals are.

Vaccines are legitimately dangerous.

Sneed and get vaxxed again, vaggot.

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shut the fuck up, orc
open your markets

>he keeps pictures of trans women on his computer to post online when he can't come up with a reasonable argument and has to respond to hoping his opponent is mentally ill and unattractive.

Seems legit

>he thinks people don't laugh at him behind his back

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>He thinks anyone that disagrees with him is a tranny
>Refuses to accept his deep seated craving to suck Putins cock
>Calls everyone a tranny to hide his true desires for the orc king

Now Russia is coming to China for help.

All those greentexts only apply to magaboomers and the such.

>Any Forums is one entity
go back
You stick out like a sore dick
go back

jesus christ those are some ugly ass humans

seething tranny is seething

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Ukraine is one of the largest, most populous countries in Europe. Anyone suggesting you can invade such a country and cause it to capitulate within days is a moron. It took weeks for Germany to conquer Poland, weeks for the United States to conquer Iraq. Besides, we don’t know what the Russians’ expected timetable is anyway. Everything could be progressing on their schedule. Conflicting reports and ‘people familiar with Putin’s thinking’ is straight-up propaganda.

Post this thread again a month from now, and we’ll see where we are.