Why do Americans see themselves as temporarily embarrassed millionaires and constantly vote against their own economic...

Why do Americans see themselves as temporarily embarrassed millionaires and constantly vote against their own economic interests?

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germany is a poor shithole that's about to get rolled by mongols

Americans have a large streak of independence and self sufficiency, and believe that their situation is the result of their own efforts and labor. poor people are poor because they choose to be poor, and those that don't want to be poor believe they are working themselves out of it. thus, they don't want to hinder their future prospects once they make it.

opinion disregarded

economic interests should never be a deciding factor in a vote.
only how much no-nonsense a man is should be the deciding factor.

>der spiegel
That’s a bingo

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Because economic interrsts arent a telos.
And becsuse expanding my boss from one petty guy that can be manipulated, threatened, identified, befriended into the entirity of the politic just increased the number of bosses I have while creating a class of infinitely more petty and tyrannical fuck heads who I cant manipulate or threaten when its against my interests.

Because they hate the feds more than the rich

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Because both parties are shit and republicans suck big business dick but aren't trying to disarm me.
Biden could use the same vague interpretation shit with the higher education act to cancel student debt like he is with the pistol brace NFA item with the ATF.
Wouldn't need congressional approval and what's the fed gonna do? Try and sue Biden over a popular progressive policy?

So yeah when I look at the actual actions, not words, actions. I don't really see Democrats as being the based alternative as you claim it is for me as a middle class white man. Gop certainly are in the pocket of big business but don't act like democrats aren't either.

Billionaires like Trump tell poor white trash he knows what they need and he's going to fix it. He never does, but they send him all their money anyway. then he pretends he's the victim, can you send him more money to buy a new Gulfstream. Fucking idiots. Now in the midterms they are going to vote against free and fair elections, vote against affordable health care, vote against affordable college and vote against any solutions that might actually make America a better place to live.


Yeah, they're going to vote against arrogant liberal elites that tell them that they're poor white trash and give all their money to niggers and faggots instead.

Because poor whites get their impoverished wages redistributed to niggers and spics. Voting for their economic interest is voting to let the nanny state fail.

Europeans... Let's see how you fare when we get fed up with your shit.

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I’ve 38, I’ve worked minimum wage jobs, worked a lower middle-class job, been unemployed, started all over again at a new company losing years of. vaca benefits, and now I’m a millionaire with crypto. In all those tax brackets I’ve never once benefited from government help beyond my measly unemployment checks and even then I paid into that directly. Unless you’re a disabled purple haired black tranny, you’ll never see a dime of the welfare state.

How does voting for more immigration to drive down wages help me?

democrats are the ones sucking big techs dick and actively harm republicans on their platforms. Republicans want the government out of private business and democrats want literal fascism and combine them both.

Also let's add onto this,
Democrat ideas aren't the same as what I would want.
let me debunk this guy like the reddit trannies love to say

> He never does, but they send him all their money anyway. then he pretends he's the victim, can you send him more money to buy a new Gulfstream.

I don't send trump money. Next.
>vote against free and fair elections
Yes because needing i.d. to vote is literally hitler. Or for mail in voting if you don't have i.d. asking for another way to verify identity be written on the ballot.
> vote against affordable health care, vote against affordable college

I think we should do something about both of those things but rather than it just be the government cutting them a check while they go business as usual they need to be reformed to cut costs. Healthcare and Higher education are setup to waste as much money as possible.

>Have to go to a doctor to see the specialty doctor I need.
>first visit with specialty doctor nothing is done but him asking the same questions first doctor did and ordering a test.
>Have to come back separate visit for the test.
>then have to come back just to get the results of said test.

Before I get the pills or treatment I need I've had to visit a doctor 4 fucking times. You can't tell me there isn't anyway to streamline that process.

>Want to get a degree to get a network admin job
>Along with the classes I need to actually do my job I have to take other ones
>Retards defend this because "going to college is a experience. not just getting a job"

Once you allow the shiftless and lazy to vote for handouts from the public purse, it never stops. There is always someone poorer than you are, and by voting for this selfish and greedy welfare chiseling, you have given them permission to loot you in turn. You have established a gangster government that leads to the ruination of a country. You will end up in a prison camp where the inmates will cut the throat of anyone who has two moldy crusts of bread instead of only one.

No one on the planet is as selfish, lazy, greedy, and worthless as a socialist. The very dregs of humanity, the very worst and most evil among us. They are not humans, they are blood sucking lice. Let us slaughter them. Kill them all.


>the crazy part is a,Erica s think they can help themselves out of poverty

And if you are retarded enough to believe in big nosed psychotic politicians solving any problem or really helping anyone…