Solve the black-on-black crime rate issue in 5 words or fewer without infringing on the Constitution

Solve the black-on-black crime rate issue in 5 words or fewer without infringing on the Constitution

Attached: corn starch.webm (854x480, 2.9M)

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Buck Break Better cmon man

tax-payer funded abortion

Derek Chaun and Dylan Roof

Kill niggers jews and faggots

Just let blacks kill eachother

deport them back to africa

The 1994 crime bill worked great. Mass incarceration of young black males is the only way to have safe streets in america. Lock em up!


Thank you Mr. President

give them all free fentanyl

The constitution refers to people.
Officially classify niggers as non-people, which they aren't.

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Triple the salaries for Police

kill all blacks

already a thing and it really helps - see crime stats from the 80s

but for all the hurrdurr blacks too violent - they were far less crime-ridden in the 50-60s when they were kept under

All gibs will be removed and fencing put up around the blackest cities and neighbourhoods.
The problem solves itself in aboot 2 weeks

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This. Anyone crying about mass incarceration has never had to work in an inner city. You'll realize that we don't imprison remotely enough people.

just keep killing each other?

Deportation. Who gives a fuck about muh constitution?

Follow the Naturalization Act 1790

Repatriation back to Liberia IMMEDIATELY

In the constitution niggers arent regarded as humans and dont have rights; so the answer is clear.

stop making state their dad

shoot all jews and niggers

Genocide, deport, relocate, segregate


Repeal the 13th amendment.

Send them back on boats

Kill all the niggers now

Floating kfc islands

Nope. They are being given light sentences, early release thanks to overcrowding and covid. So they can kill you and get out in a few years. It means nothing to them.

not my problem

mandatory sterilization for black kids

money for sterilization

Black only abortion clinics now.

Why do they eat corn starch?

Punish crime and have long jail terms

More cops, no bodycams.

Keep up the good work.

there is definitely a breaking point or critical mass. my area is about 5% black, half of them act normal and talk the same as everyone else, like normal white people. the other, more traditionally niggerfied "hood" types, even they know how to act and are generally pretty decent and there are basically zero chimpouts.
my college town however, same region of the country, was around 20% black, same as the college. chimpouts all the time, shouting "ayy guh" across campus, boonspeak everywhere, always late to class, posting up on walkways and refusing to get out of the way.. I could go on. still a pretty safe town overall just avoid the heavily negroid zones.
then you get to places like detroit or baton rouge, something like 50% black give or take, absolute shitholes plagued with violent crime and theft. it's kind of like the feral hog problem in texas, once you lose control it only takes a couple generations for them build huge numbers and become feral, no matter how domesticated they were prior. it's a numbers/concentration thing. blacks always have the innate ability to turn feral given the right demographic circumstance

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>not just shooting them after the guilty verdict

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To become less black

Kill all blacks

"FUCK the Constitution; genocide now"

Ban art that glorifies niggers


Does it work?

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you are not looking at the root cause, incarceration doesnt solve shit
the state of black communities and schools is why you will never fix it

>Class was basically optional. Kids would walk in or out constantly, if they showed up at all. Any attempts to enforce any kind of rules about tardiness and truancy was usually met with “fuck you nigga”. And even if they did show up, they were rowdy and off task constantly. Very little education took place in that room. Or any of them rooms really. For example, one girl pulled out her phone, turned on some music, jumped on her desk and started dancing on top of the desk. I tried to get her down but she kept telling me “fuck you” over and over. This was at least weekly for her. This same little bitch also have a speech to the school board about the institutional forces that keep black people down. Before you accuse me of having shitty classroom management, I tried talking to my AP and my principal about what to do because I had never experienced anything like this. And they told me something I was going to hear repeatedly throughout the year. “It’s just their culture. You have to respect that.”

send them back

more guns
less welfare

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No but don't tell the niggers.

Mass deportation back to Africa.

Teach Blacks Not To Shoot.

It does if I get to the corn starch first.

That works too.
What you posted is just another manifestation of lax policies. Fixing people's culture is a lot more complicated than locking them up when they commit crimes.

Who's job is it to arrest and handle the crimerate of the nation?

And if they create No Go Zones, areas they won't uphold Law in, are they doing their job or ignoring it?

Then they push the blame on the Non-Violent Law Abiding Citizen who is caught in the mix.

Remember when the Feds brag about 12% commit 50% of the crime? Who's job is it to handle that crime, not ignore it, and report it?

Even Construction Workers have something to show for after years of service. If after their years of installation and service, there is still evidence of persistent problem, YEA.


Send them halfway back on boats, they can swim the rest of the way.

Free corn starch for errrbody

Deport blacks back to Africa

"..for OURSELVES and OUR posterity"

send them all back

offer half a million to return to africa with the stipulation of being placed aon a federal no fly list so they cant come back.

Goddammit, those creatures are ugly.

Chemical castration via hormone therapy.

fund more social programs for minority communities