Don‘t be afraid of the jab Anons. What if I told you...

Don‘t be afraid of the jab Anons. What if I told you, you can have your vaxxed certificate and partake in normie culture again without getting VAIDS. It is quite simple, you see: just put a raw cut Potato on the needle hole after getting the jab. But you must do this within 15 minutes after recieving it. Famous German philantropist, scientist and doctor Samuel Hahnemann paved the way with the invention of homeopathy. His skilled deciples advanced his findings in the decades to come and learned how to harvest the raw power of the Potato. The complex structured carbohydrates this succulent sacred vegetable contains immediately absorb the injected poison.
Take the Potatopill anons. You will not regret it.

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Thank you Dr Huckleberry Finn

Buy Potatos and tell your friends user

This shit is fake.

It‘s a science. And it‘s real. You can even compound the power of the Potato when hitting it gently on a leather surface 10 to 20 times. Take the Potatopill, this is a revolution. And you heard it here first.

I missed this level of German autism

wtf it worked

worked great thanks op, now i am gay

Currently my research group is working on a Potato based crypto currency. The value will be intertwined with current Potato prices. If our calculations are correct the price of Potato will skyrocket in the next 52 days due to shortages originating from diminishing Potato output by Ukraine on account of the war. And of course increased demand due to millions of people in need of Potato to cure their VAIDS. So heads up. /biz will relentlessly shill Potatocoin in the coming weeks.

you're not fooling us, kike.

>partake in normie culture
fuck that shit

I haven't partaken of normie culture in over a decade, why would I want to now that the normies have proven beyond a shadow of doubt that they aren't people?

I know there is propaganda on the internet framing the Potato as the starchy jew. But it‘s all fake. The Potato economy is in non jewish hands.

>throw an advil in a lake
>drink a glass of water from the opposite side of the lake
>"cures headache"
yeah ok buddy. purely placebo nonsense, sometimes even worse when it comes some of the toxic shit they put in homeopathic kids "medicine"

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Irish still fucked

I have my government record vaxxed certificate. Two doses!

But yet I remain a pureblood. I walk among you. There's nothing you can do to find me or tell the difference. Enjoy aids you retarded nigger faggot.

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I didn‘t get VAIDS thanks to the Potato. I got 3 jabs so far. I always quickly retired to the bathroom and applied my trusty Potato. Potatopower is real user. Try it. Be like me and harvest the raw untamed power of the Potato.

i genuinely feel for the retard that will fall for this
god help him

Normie Culture is Boomer Mentality.

The boomer that still reads the newspaper, ignorant of the internet. The boomer that worships the library, while claiming "Not a single E Book was made".

So the Boomer let the nigger run everywhere in Public.

Now the Boomer says - do we we say, or we won't let you inside with the nigger.

Acting like, you can't order food and supplies off Amazon, delivered to your door.

Only way to get food and supplies the local nigger and Karen run Mart.

Only way to watch movies is on a big screen with niggers kicking your chair, phone ringing and talking.

You can't watch a movie, comfie at home, with a Pause Button.

Boomers really are retarded, man.

wasting a potato?

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Fuck off, still not taking the fucking shot

should you cut the potato first?

The vax isn’t in your arm 1min after u take it retard

I feel your pain fren. Take the Potatopill

What is your secret user? Can I just pay someone who looks like me to take it for me?

Depends. There are many new age retards participating in some weird "therapies".

But to denounce the power of herbal supplements, especially in combination with one another, and instead go for KIKE SOLUTIONS.

That's beyond retarded and clearly says why you mutts are on your way to become the poorest nation in the world.

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yes. cut the raw Potato and applie cut surface firmly to the needle hole

In $cienti$m we tru$t.

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The people falling for this deserve most painful death with the mother of OP.

the Potato is not a kike solution. There is fake news on the internet claiming the Potatoe is the kikes tuber. But thats misinformation spread by big pharma. They are afraid of the Potatos untapped potential.

you got it fren