Based Putin savior of the white race

Based Putin savior of the white race

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Based as fuck desu. These CAR fighters are more Christian than Ukrainre. Christians and Muslims fighting together against the jews of Ukraine.

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Will Captain Alex come?

Just can’t win with you faggots
>white soldier photographed
>oh noes Putin sending whites to die

>non-white soldier photographed
>oh wow yeah Russia is SO based with non-white soldiers

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I cannot sufficiently express how happy this news makes me

Both are true. If there was no war neither of those would happen. White's wouldn't die and niggers wouldn't be imported and armed

Jokes on Europe.
These niggers and sandniggers will come and Putin will take Ukraine.
Guess where Putin sends them next?
Poor "Immigrants" from the Ukraine.
Best part is that Europe will cuck and take them in!
So I'm thinking... BASED!
Have fun Europe. They are your problem now.

>sending in more incompetent shitskins to die
Maybe Putin is trying to purge their numbers?

Maybe go shill somewhere else or toughen up faggot

kek why are pro-putin shills like this
a white atheist is worth more than a shitskin christian.

Undeniably cu.cked to be sure

>Christians and Muslims fighting together against the jews of Ukraine.

holy shit this is prime fantasy cope. russia cares less about christianity than ukraine does fool. they've got the biggest mosque in europe. they're extremely pro jew and pro muslim.

Yep I’m calling it you
Faggots are literally just fucking leftist cu.ckolds with different aesthetics

Yes both are bad. If not for monkey putin chimping out there would be no white suffering such as now.

nice. what will blm say?
>muh niggers

cope seethe and dillate Shlomo's. Muslims from Syria and Chechenya fighting allongside with Christians from the Syrian Christian resistance, CAR and Russian and Bellarusian soldiers against the globohomo entity formerly known as Ukraine.

unless moshe blood is being spilled I am not happy

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regardless, I look forward to seeing dead shitskins
it's also funny how pro-putin shills are never actually russian slavs, but third worlders.

>US flag redditor
>defending globohomo jewish entity
color me shocked.

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No they aren't, keep trying harder faggerino

literally unleashing nigger horde on Europa, I fucking hate russians

The jew fears the christian CAR fighter who is ready to die for the christian cause against degeneracy.