Southern culture has been the only thing saving America from complete and total decline

Southern culture has been the only thing saving America from complete and total decline.

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>move to texas
>it's filled with spics and niggers, whites are a minority in small enclaves


southerners are all fucking larp and live among hoardes of niggers.

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Southern New Zealanders?

the south is a meme. the real americans are hiding in the spaces that no journalist or nigger or culture pimp would look. if they made themselves known they'd be pimped out by hollywood until they too were a meme

many such cases. sad!

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midwest is still satanic

this. and country music is all about being a cuckhold and a loser


keep hiding, pussy

>hoardes of niggers
you mean a bag of fent hidden under the sink or an actual treasure chest full of niggers?

men following a guide on how to be men is the manliest damn thing there is, brother
hell yeah!

he means pavements apes wandering around in the middle of the street.

just because you can't find pussy doesn't mean im hiding it from you, friend.

yes it's true, their purchases of cowboy hats and large trucks single handedly keep the US economy afloat

I'm sitting here comfy with unlimited fresh water, seasons, and majority white people. it feels like a foreign country anywhere below the mason dixon. good luck though pablo/tyrone.

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>Watches and talks rugby, even during cricket season
britt shill detected

I put a comma you dumbass skull and bones troll fuck

yeah i know im just trying to have a good time

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Actually it was the guns, and you try to blame the way you dress for the way you handled the guns.

fresh water thats been toxic for a century by the echo of culture you once had

sorry thought that was a cum stain

our german great and great great grandfathers left us holdin our dicks with nothing dude. its time we make moves. if that means plunging into the abyss, Im going. tired of fuckin waiting around watching my people get worse and worse.

Pic is referring to the South Island of New Zealand you stupid fuck

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NC here, that pic is gay as fuck. No southern men do half of that, also country is cuck music

Only dudes who dress like cowboys and shit are try hards and haloween partyers.

I went to a hillbilly ass school and I never knew a guy who did any of that shit.

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hillbillies arent rednecks you retarded eastern us fucker.

Rural culture, yes. Need not be Southern specifically.

that picture is talking about New Zealand you utterly fucktarded illiterate faggot, all you newfags are literal illiterate drooling mongoloids

hillbillies are just rednecks that live in appalachia. state?0