In the long run, was the Internet a mistake? Personally...

In the long run, was the Internet a mistake? Personally, I think it has caused more harm to humanity in general than good, and what was once considered to be the ultimate means of free and unlimited communication and a source of knowledge has ultimately become our greatest downfall as a species, breaking the essential link between what is real and what is merely an illusion and thus giving rise to all sorts of prevalent societal and psychological ailments that the average person suffers from. Unfortunately, like all cutting-edge technology, the Internet was step by step commercialized and consolidated in the hands of a few powerful megacorporations that are owned by the same people who rule the world through (((finance))) and (((central banking))), and who want to enslave us and turn is into despicable lifeless transhuman cattle. After all, the Internet was initially conceived and developed as a military project by DARPA, and we all know that nothing good comes from the military industry, ever

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>In the long run, was the Internet a mistake
yeah and this isnt hard to figure out

No, only whiny faggot zoomers think so. Nobody remembers how absolute shit the 90's was with WWE, Friends, Backstreet Boys, and endless "Gen X" Clinton-esque political propaganda on every TV channel with a target audience below the age of 50
at least with the internet you get a choice, not my problem if anons here are too feeble and retarded to avoid dopamine holes as adult men
underage b&s need to be kicked off entirely though, they should learn how books work before fucking around online, absolutely zero positive contributions 99.9% of the time.

I often wonder if the situation would still be this bad if smartphones were never invented, but I'm inclined to think that those things were planned way before they were officially released to the public as a tool for our further enslavement and encroachment on our privacy rights. It's all one big giant manufactured and well-devised world and there is nothing coincidental or accidental

no, the internet provided those wishing to seek it out unparaleled access to information
however. the thing that normies are logging into via their phones is not the internet. and their phones are not computers. and even "computers" are no longer computers. they just look like them. they are cloud interfaces, aka telescreens, where you own nothing and are surveilled 24/7

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Yup and none of this discussion matters if we arent gonna kill jews

the "smart" phone was a trap, that is for sure
and everything else they're calling "smart" is too

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>smartphones were never invented
Do you understand how stupid this is what you are saying?
Smarphones were never "invented". Touchscreens were invented. Miniaturized computers were invented. Wireless data transmission was invented.
Which of these evil technologies do you think we must destroy to save the world, surely not all of them? Surely you aren't upset at a small computer with a screen built into it and a wifi antennae inside?

>and their phones are not computers. and even "computers" are no longer computers. they just look like them. they are cloud interfaces, aka telescreens, where you own nothing and are surveilled 24/7
Okay this is true. Monopoly-enforced cloud computing """solutions""" are absolute bullshit, but a small computer with a screen and wifi is nothing more than just that.

>at least with the internet you get a choice
I don't know about that. During the past several years, and especially since the beginning of the Covid stuff, censorship has gotten way more aggressive and coordinated. Almost every single big-tech platform has become a sterilized echochamber where even the most seemingly innocuous opinion that goes against the mainstream narrative and politically correct zeitgeist will cost you a ban. Of course, were still aren't yet at that point of a complete 1984 of the internet, but every day free speech becomes more of a prerogative than a granted right.

I get your point, and that's why I said in my reply that no technology we see getting advertised out there is due to an accidental, purely altruistic factor. All the innovations you listed can be traced back to the Industrial Revolution and humanity's innate drive for harnessing nature and making his daily life more bearable, but of course we'd be heading towards an entirely different topic.

>In the long run, was the Internet a mistake?

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Its not the internet itself, its the widespread adoption of it thanks to smartphones. The days when you were seen as a loser if you spent more than an hour a day online were golden.

The problem lies not in technology per se, but rather in the way it is used and consolidated on a mass scale by people with suspicious and malevolent intentions. When some new technology is publicly announced and finally released for commercial use, our initial reaction is naturally positive due to its immediate beneficial application. In most cases, it is only later when we realize that we've bargained part of our freedom and identity for a temporary comfort, thus unknowingly and unwittingly contributing to the gradual transformation of both private and public life towards a worse state. And most of the times it takes more than one generation to arrive at that conclusion.

Yeah the internet was a mistake but if you still had to go home and get on a big beige box to use it it would not be nearly so bad as it is now with social networks and the ubiquity of digital cameras in phones. It really ruined IRL spaces and interactions, and actual socialization since now everything is for show and there's a record of basically everything you do. No longer can you truly live in the moment.

w/e, i enjoy things from the past and believe me when i say it was way worse then.
WW2 radio in the US (not news, just anything) was absolutely stuffed with the most disgusting horseshit propaganda imaginable. in the 20's, a million different shitty little political publications went out daily, weekly, and monthly.
It goes way back to loudmouths with booming voices being intentionally hired as town criers. nothing new, if anything the internet just widens things up as-is.
we'll see if that changes.

The internet represents an EXISTENTIAL threat to the elite bloodline familiies who've been in control for centuries. From a previous thread...
>I believe there's an elite but aren't they already able to do everything what they want?
No. It's not about wealth. Wealth can buy things in the free market. Were Soviet commisars wealthy? Or did they have all the "stuff" they wanted, stuff including the lives and bodies of the proles, to do with and dispose of how they pleased? Does the name Lavrentiy Beria ring any bells?

What happened? THE INTERNET. For the first time in history, ordinary joes could compare notes, share references and connect the dots. Have you heard of Freemasonic symbolism popular culture? Going back years before the internet? But you never heard of it before the internet right? You've heard of the Rothschild bloodline? Have you heard of the Payseurs? Desmarais? Whose money does Blackrock manage?
>TLDR; The Bloodline families know the internet is connecting too many dots, they are losing control of the narrative and they need to "Shut it down" along with the worst of the troublemakers.
>At least 4 billion "useless eaters" shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars, organized epidemics of fatal rapid-acting diseases and starvation. Energy, food and water shall be kept at subsistence levels for the non-elite, starting with the White populations of Western Europe and North America and then spreading to other races. Page 105

Attached: eneregy-food-water-shall-be-kept-at-subsistence-levels.jpg (960x720, 108.02K)

There shall be no cash or coinage in the hands of the non-elite. All transactions shall be carried out by means of a debit card which shall bear the identification number of the holder. Any person who in any way infringes the rules and regulations of the Committee of 300 shall have the use of his or her card suspended for varying times according to the nature and severity of the infringement.

Attempts to trade "old" coins, that is to say silver coins of previous and now defunct nations, shall be treated as a capital crime subject to the death penalty. Same book, page 106

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no, letting minorities on the internet was a mistake.

But it still boils down to the following questions: how many people have been redpilled by now and how many people still remain in a semi-sentient, ignorant state aka are NPCs? Are those relatively few, truly redpilled persons capable of actually changing the course of events and actually making a difference in the long run? I think those are things that should be closely considered in order to gain a more realistic perspective as to whether technology, especially the internet, has contributed to the overthrow of the (((elites))), or furthered the enslavement of mankind and made it easier than ever before

>ICQ 2001
98b was the best ICQ ever made

the "end times" couldnt occurr without it. the global jew has been unmasked.

Yes. The internet is a disaster.
Yes I use it, yes I enjoy it. But it's still a net negative.