

Attached: Kooky.png (542x534, 456.46K)

Dad has actually been around black people.

god fucking DAMMIT can they make memes without showing theor low verbal IQs?
these fucking faggots are pathetic. BREVITY. GOOGLE IT.

13/50 is for violent crimes, and most violent crimes intraracial , not interracial. So unless you're claiming that white perpetrators aren't being convicted at the expense of their white victims, this meme makes no fucking sense. You're a fucking retard.

>black hood are more policed
I wonder why


>yeah all the reported crimes are black, so the unreported ones are probably whites!
how does one purport to think logically, yet come to this conclusion?

The left can't meme


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so why is whenever there is footage of a robbery or shooting it's almost never white people?
why is the majority of black culture and society related to gangs? (rap music, clothing, weaponry, etc)

she is lacking vital magnetism

If you really think differences in reporting alone accounts for niggers’ disproportionate crime rate you’d have to believe that Whites commit literally millions of violent crimes that go unreported/unsolved. The country would be fucking Mad Max if the black crime rate was even close to proportionate to their share of the population

>A (((leaf)))
Why don't you go ahead and take a walk around detroit then, nigger? Surely nothing bad will happen, after all it's only like the way it is because of ebil wypepo, but since theyre all gone you'll be safe, right?

It's a wall of text, but makes perfect sense.

Also, there is a reason why they are more policed!

>so why is whenever there is footage of a robbery or shooting it's almost never white people?
becuz koreans, indians, and arabs are conspiring to coverup white crimes in exchange for a shot at being initiated into whiteness during the next Centennial Convening of the White People

So then provide the racial discrepancy of arrest to conviction data, instead of just speculating.

Absolutely and don't forget that they lump Hispanics in with Whites.

There’s a reason why police patrol black neighborhoods more. Maybe… I dunno, they have higher crime? Just an idea, I know its crazy.

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Dont forget the Vietnamese like me. I'm in the big conspiracy too.

How the fuck are black neighborhoods heavily policed? They are killing each other every day and majority of cases are unsolved by police

based phrenology appreciator

I agree. Let nigger neighborhoods police themselves. Just keep them contained and prosecute the shit out of them if they come to white neighborhoods

> let me use my made up statistics to counter your sourced statistics. Also trans rights are human rights.

Does she have FAS or more Erectus Genes?

True, I'm pretty sure police stay away from high crime ridden neighborhoods because they don't want to get shot

That's also a wall of text.