We are at a point in time we must make hard decisions...

We are at a point in time we must make hard decisions. I see no way of avoiding global economic collapse due to any number of things. Inflation, clot shots, war, starvation, you name it, its likely going to be a contributing factor to the big collapse. No one has ever witnessed something like this before in recent history. I expect civil wars, global conflict, collapse of governments/currency and lots of infighting all within the next 20 years. Since the start of the pandemic began I have lost many people I thought of as friends, many cowardly family members as well so I am starting this journey as a single man that cant convince the people around him now is the time to act to live this out comfortably. Some even agree with me but they are unwilling to take action unlike myself. I have lots of skills, assets and a will to survive.

If I had a group, I would just buy land now and begin homesteading and learning to live without many modern amenities. I don't have the luxury of willing trusting friends at this point.

How does someone go about it solo, I'm a hapa so expecting to find a community to survive will be challenging. I expect closer to the collapse becoming more obvious to more people, i could get at least one to drop what they are doing and join me. My current thoughts are a blue water sailing catamaran. I would like to hear pols thoughts. I'm not looking to come out ahead after the collapse, just survive it comfortably and maybe even enjoyably, relatively speaking. I have around 600k and could buy something like picrel. Is this even something worth considering at this time?

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Why do you think being on water would be better?

Mostly because of mobility and ability to separate myself from any conflict if necessary. The ocean is bountiful and humans have used it to feed themselves since the beginning.

The plan I have in my back pocket is to screw a bunch of lumber together into a frame, wrap it in plastic wrap, and lay fiberglass down over the plastic. Make my own low-tech catamaran.

But I want to be here for the war and try to win it and seize power for myself. Civil wars are an opportunity of a lifetime. Most lifetimes don't even get the chance. Running away from it is the wrong mindset.

also no laws over international waters

It's hard user, finding a group of people that would work out is a task difficult for me too.

a customized boat is a great choice
>use boat for sleep/rest/living
>fish for food
here is a pretty cool sailor dude who crossed the atlantic in a boat, his boat should give you a good idea on how to build a good living boat
>solar panels for electricity
you just need some water purifying function, im not sure which but ideally something reusable

I just want to avoid the worst part of it. You are correct with the chaos brings opportunity way of thinking. I will come back when things settle down a little.

Yes any blue water boat will have on board water purification and be able to generate electricity. The ones I'm looking at I could theoretically never come to land assuming I could feed myself.

both sides are already owned by the same bank. the winners are decided before the war even starts, its called the hegelian dialectic. the only opportunity youll have is to fight and die for the benefits of jewish bankers.

then youre set i suppose
however i dont think 600k is enough

A word for you and your jewish bankers.
The war begins when you will, but does not end when you want it to if some peasant army rises up during the chaos and starts putting you all to the sword.

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I know there are many people in our position that have a desire to mobilize now. How one go about that is the hard part I'm struggling with.

It's certainly on the low end for what I'm looking for but people are dumping assets like this all the time. Deals come about regularly.

I see your point. How much have you looked into this? Do you think you could survive without landing (fish and pure sailing)? Or are you planning to stock up every once in a while?
Either way learning to sail without fuel is a good skill for when SHTF or even if it doesn't. Do it, if interested. Maybe start with a boat club membership? Much lower investment while you learn

you sound like a retarded ideologue with no grasp on the reality you live in. make your own army and fight off the government, see how it goes.

I was thinking of buying a monohull for now and renting out my properties until things go really bad so I could live off the rental income. I have faith in myself and my abilities so I'm certain I could do it if it comes down to it.

Shut up, faggot.

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If I saw a real resistance forming that will deal with all enemies that need to be held responsible I will gladly join something like that. Sadly I feel most are focused on the shiny things directly in front of them and the ones responsible will win regardless.

Be the resistance. Be the leader.

Unfortunately, there are many groups out there who are working to build the parallel society, but because of the volume of groups, I wonder if they are stretched thin. Uniting under the banner of the friendship among these many groups, perhaps something can be accomplished.
I don't think it's productive, in spite of the allure I have also felt, to go sailing to nowhere.

I've been very vocal about what's coming. I just want to survive the worst of the inevitable. Once the worst is behind us, there is no more trying to convince people to leave their cozy lives. That's the time to be a leader. People are blind and dumb, they won't act until it's too late regardless of what evidence you present them.

For example:

I agree 100%. The parallel societies I've seen forming are heavily bound by race, something I personally can not participate in. See circle the wagons project for instance.

Dunno man - whatever you’ll do, you’ll need electric power. Invest in a generator or a solar panel, but that’s about the extent of it. It will make you feel better tho.

Living on a boat is constant 24/7 work. It's cool at first then it eventually gets exhausting plus its much more expensive than you would dream.


>any blue water boat will have on board water purification
No, not "any" boat. Are you wealthy? this shit is expensive.

For me it's cheap rent.

I agree. The same goes for any situation solo when shtf. Until then though, I could post up in the Caribbeans sleeping around with the locals at least.