
Daily reminder that russians ARE NOT SLAVS.
They do not represent people ancient Rus'.
Here's why:

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>Kievan Rus, land of Ruthenians, falls apart after golden age.
>Sons of Rus are absorbed by other states, mostly by Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
>Eastern outskirts are taken by Golden Horde.
>Eastern Ruthenians get raped and tortured beyond recognition.
>A smaller city known as moscow becomes a tax collector/top collaborator for the Horde.
>They adapt all the worst traits of their masters and betray them when the time is right.
There you go. The blood connection of Kievan Ruthenians to russia is highly questionable.

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Russians are slavs tho.
And slavs are Aryans.

>not mentioning Novgorod

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Arabs are aryans

Reveal flag.

I just explained that their blood and culture were wapred my Mongol/Turkic Golden Horde.
Dude, just look at defence minister.

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I guess if armchair historian from Poland tells me so.

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Go ahead.
Tell me this is a white European man.

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ofc hes not, hes from fucking Tuva you dumb polenigger. You have understandings of genetics akin to a fucking gradeschooler.

Wrong image :I

Do you not understand that it is a multi ethnic state? Russians and people that Russians conquered, like that guy. Are you actually retarded??

Arabs are goat fucking beduins, persians were aryans, but they are mutted.

>Look at this Russian
>Shows us an obvious mutt'

That's like saying all Switzerlanders aren't aryan and showing me a nigger.

keep fighting for homosexuals and niggers in your country and youll be just like USA polski

How many times did russians have to genocide that city before it was fully russian?

Also, explain this to me.

Attached: russian-dymorphism.png (1701x1229, 1.23M)

Kys Poland. Before Russia nukes your pale skin

Keep fighting for jews and muslims, just like pootler ordered it in his recent multikult speech.

Lol why aren't you expressing this same contempt at Germans?

Oh right you work there.

Because of the fucked up release of Cyberpunk 2077 and the number of polack-asshole posts since this Russia-Ukraine thing started, I fucking HATE Poland and polacks and I plan on beating the shit out of any polack that I see.

Reminder that Poland was called (((paradisus judaeorum))) for a reason. Never trust a pole.

He’s an ethnic Tuvan

Here's why

Attached: slavs.png (502x2047, 519.41K)

Meanwhile ruski sends shitskins to the europes borders.

keep fighting for the jew in high heels that tells cossacks to be gay

You will be like USA in about 10 years. youll be worshipping niggers and letting faggots rape your children. and guess what, youll be worshipping jews and muslims too

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these shitskins?

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I will when they will invade an European country.
It's not difficult to understand, user.
user, from the tribe of Lech, that weird branch that got lost on the way to eagle nest and ended up in Blakans.

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I met enough poles to know some of you are real potato vodka niggers.

There is a marginal historical theory that Rus' wasn't the only ancient eastern Slavic kingdom.

>i played EU4 now im expert on world history
fuck you polish faggot

Let me guess.
You live in USA.
You have some r*ssian background.
Your sister fucks a nigger and you somehow blame NATO for it.

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80% that OP is an Ukrainian

Depends on where in russia.. i think people from st petersburg or kaliningrad are white

russia has stood against europe and to do that theyve become friendly with turkic and iranian peoples who have definetly destroyed many of their genepools

wow you opnede my eyes

Most ethnic studies of russians disprove the " mongol hord " meme.

If anything, russians are mostly a mix of slavs and finno-ugrics, which make them ironically closer to the balts or finns. Sure, russians have some minor tatar/mongol/whatever apport. But for the most part of the history the russian peasantry mixed with russian peasantry, and conserved their slav/finno-ugric ethnic background.

You can make the point that nowadays Moscow is so full with central stans that it will change though. And that would be true, but like, almost all european capitals are full of foreigners.

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Are you suggesting they never invaded an European country?

Nie wiem po co Polak będzie gadać o Rusi Kijowskiej.

NATO will keep putting niggers and those muslims you hate so much into your country.
We european americans have no nation and no name, we are diaspora serfs. and thats going to be you as well.

Dont care.
Didnt ask.
Nobody cares.
Give russian(not slav) cities of Novorossiya(New Russia) that were built in the steppes we took from nomadic slave raiders back.

Tell me more.
Ty kurwiszonie, onuco jebana.

Do yourself a favour and google muslim population in r*ssia.
And birth rates.

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That's rich coming from Sarmat livestock.

Lol. Already exist people from Louisiana which learn French as it their national language.
USA is already a bilingual country, influence of Spanish will only growth in future.