What would a Russian do in this situation?

What would a Russian do in this situation?

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You should be asking yourself that, leaf.

tell you to pick up the can

Russians are weak little cock sucking bitches that loves being told what to do and being ruled over by tyrants and elites for over 200 years.
They will pick up the can no matter how many times it drops and never revolt for their freedom.

>turn can into blue gravity gun using russian engineering and also a broken rubber band
>fling that cop into the sky

squat on bin



Played that game twice stoned.

Amazing game.

WHY NO ONE BUYING VR HEADSETS?? Zuckerberg's Rift is pretty tits. Or did Zuck's autism turn too many people away from potential business aspects?

Jan 6 was a total failure.

Bad bot: off topic.

Go to pick up the can but run out of fuel halfway there.

They'd pick up the can and then get sent to the gulag anyway.

Because they are expensive and there's like two games worth playing.

Normies don't play video games.

1) Pick up can with grav gun
2) Point at head
3) Let her rip
4) Enjoy lulz

Attached: JewCriminal.png (1091x561, 52.2K)

VR headsets cost 500$ or so.

PC rigs cost 3000$.

But the VR headsets are too expensive and need to be given up on?

obey like a true homo sovieticus

>you must have a Facebook account to use the headset
Therein lies the rub

The only good game for the 500 dollar standalone sets is blade and sorcery, and eventually that gets old. I think the technology is solid and has a lot of potential but no one is doing anything that interesting with it

Throw it at his head, and have it bump off , then land in the can. that's what I did.

I would obey to live another day
I will chimp out eventually and blow my brains out and take some fuckers with me, trade my life for as much damage as I could inflict, but I wouldn't do it for naught.
Ain't dying in a torture chamber with no chance of retaliation.

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Does he hit you still or does him walking away trigger from the can going in first?

I would pick up the can and then proceed to fight as a part of human rebellion and eventually end up destroying the citadel, maybe fuck Alyx in between.

game was mediocre and the retcon destroyed the whole series. even reminding me that game exists fills me with anger. not even going to stay in this thread and listen to your shit.

I will be fight with my rainbow flag and start suck cocks

>the retcon
Oh my. What did they undo?

bend over and offer his anus

Are you sure? It doesn't look that different now.

Get on his knees, insert the can inside his rectum and cry out “Combine is cool”.

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