The non-white brain in action

the non-white brain in action

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surely they won't raise prices in response to taxes

What are their profits compared to other industries

he's right. we should be getting economic impact payments one way or another

>we need to create more expenses for public management jobs that weren't needed in the first place to rob more money
Kill subhuman monkey people

Its like asking to be nationalized

Across the street. $5.50.

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>gas in my district


Working class families need to contribute their fair share so we can help working class families.

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>big oil

>hello sirs, if we raise the taxes on oil companies we can send you more money to spend with oil companies
niggers/spics/arabs/all other shit skins can't do economics. their underdeveloped brain is incapable of sustaining an economy
this is why they are amazing foot soilders for Zion

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The fact that they still expect people to work a low wage in this disaster of an economy is reprehensible. There's no end to the suffering of the American 'people'.

this faggot has never pumped gas his entire life, everyone knows you just turn the little flick thing and leave it in pumping, what an absolute faggot
nigger tool.

>no you cant just heckin tax the oil kikes after having them milk the goyim of all their shekels from artificially created government conditions

ok shlomo

why not just open the reserves for a bit?

We need to execute all of the kikes and shabbos goyim running this country. It's the only way anything good will happen. We will only experience negative shit happening from here.

what the fuck is that communist bullshit
>we have to taxes more so we can hand out gibbs so you're depend of the communist government
why not just stop the fucking company to begin with you fucking mongoloid?
pure fucking insanity

Nigger detected

You would have to do the legwork and review every co.’s ERs. Last year the largest oil co.s pulled in around 200 billion in profits. I don’t know what percentage of those profits were paid in dividends.

14 months ago. America was energy independent. Don’t forget that this is self inflicted.

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Why isn't he driving a Tesla?

For once I agree with a fag flag. If it is a domestically sourced natural resource then it belongs to everyone and should be nationalized.

>high cost of oil
>be nigger/shitskin
>have roomtemp IQ
>let's increase the operating cost of the oiil companies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why not tax the government which created the artificial government conditions?

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Meanwhile California has tax is higher than anywhere. Fucking 3rd worlder. All brown and blacks should be banned from government. They cannot be trusted.

Do I understand it correctly that he wants to tax gas stations more so high price of gas doesn't hurn Americans as much? American logic.

>the judeo-masonic terrorist state of the JewSA should nationalize this resource, and this will definitely result in good things for "the people" of america

>the non-white brain in action
>I'm going to use leverage of working class peoples to steal from oil tycoons, enrich myself, and make working class people pay for it
checks out

>gas price goes up
>company has to increase the price (which also increases tax paid on it) to be able to function

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Yep. There's only a small portion of white men, like the ones who built Canada and the USA, who truly value freedom and liberty. The other races are inherently communists.

Norway has nationalized oil. Why are their prices so much higher than ours?

Oh I already knew that, commie Biden is just trying his best to make the whole nation hate him

Those poor gas companies who make record profits year after year!

compared to being a US senator, oil company profits are nothing

Those automatic pump clips are illegal in Jew York.

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this is literally nothing
why are americans so poor

>haha im too good to ask for some of the money while pelosi has a 300,000 fridge, you must be a nigger!

purity spiral

>tax the oil companies and give that money to the people so they can spend it with the oil companies
>oh, you see the flaws in my logic? you must be a kike!
he is. Biden is draining our oil reserves in a failed attempt to inflate supply and decrease price

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So this is the glorious midterm strategy by Democrats
>Just Double Down and Cope

Democrats are the reason gas prices are so high.

>the economy is shit, so let's print MORE money!

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14 months ago America was printing fiat like crazy. Self inflicted indeed.

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The absolute state

as much as I would love to see the red jews take control, it's simply not going to happen

>false flag in June, just before mail in voting begins
>"My, uhh...... uh. fellow Americans.....(13 second pause)..................... we must go to war with Ukraine"
>border stays open for another 2 years