We're never going back are we?

We're never going back are we?

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What the fuck is that thing?

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Its the thing that keeps us dependent on Saudi oil

Damn, we should get rid of them.

>faggot talking to himself
what an organic and compelling thread

I think thats the plan

Can't wait.

>Just buy an electric car

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Depends if nursing homes in swing states maintain a 100% turnout.

That isn't much, here the same quantity would be 180 euros

Kek. You guys are falling for the EV meme. Less than %1 of vehicles on the road are EV.


> Ban sale of non-EV cars
Problem solved

Unless California reaches Texas levels of power grid failure, I am not convinced that there's any grid issues.

Someone going to miss those financial gains on the ev rush thats happening

Babby first economic collapse. Newfags ngmi

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You do realize America has plenty of oil right ? Biden just ended domestic production it's directly his fault.

>SUV fags BTFO

its only just begun

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I wonder if anyone can still afford to keep riden' with biden in the middle of this absolute carnage

No. It's not just because of supply constraints, it's also inflation. And they'll never let deflation happen.

Remove biden and this all ends

Riding Biden in 2024 means personal vehicle taxes and only taking self-driving Teslas that track your every location to prevent uprising.

Hasn't California had brownouts every summer for like a decade?

Two years left. Wonder what he has left

Every state in the USA has blackouts daily.

California imports the most electricity kek


That's what they want you to think.

But you gotta remove the problem that is the Swamp, while simultaneously not exposing yourself to Muslim Nigger, or Chinese Nigger, or Russian Nigger or whatever.

Because you act like, just because one person's being a dick, there are no other dicks in the room.

Personally, I'm cautious toward an idea - what made these psycho Swamps act like the Psychos they are. They weren't born - they were created.

How much per capita though?

California has blackouts all the time in the summer from everyone running their A/Cs. This is not something new.



We debatably have more oil in the North Slope of Alaska than in Saudi Arabia.
Plus states like California are pretty much untapped for oil and gas exploration compared to what it can be.

Canada has lots of oil all over, as does Mexico, and various other nations around the Caribbean.

There is no reason why we can produce or our own oil or buy from a friendly country in the Americas.

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Like I said, every state has blackouts every day.

This kills the environment

Let's go Brandon

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But the only way we can defeat the evil Putin is by becoming poor & transferring wealth to the elites.
And if you are worried about inflation - Great News! Congress just voted to give themselves a $30,000+ raise this year! Take that Putin!
aMEricA iS baCk!

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>Unless California reaches Texas levels of power grid failure, I am not convinced that there's any grid issues.

So you're convinced then

When a blackout causes thousands of deaths in a week.

Dude if Cali cant make its own power demand, And everyone goes EV those states it gets it from are going to serve their people first. Cali is dependant, Cali is boned

Not nearly as much as it does putting it on a big ass boat and transporting it for 14,000 miles.