If Russia attacks Poland Moscow should be carpet bombed to oblivion

If Russia attacks Poland Moscow should be carpet bombed to oblivion.

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Poland sucks

Poland does not want the US to defend them.. Who would bomb them?

In that case, America disappears under the rain of atomic bombs.

What white country have we attacked, faggot?

Nice vpn pole

What are we gonna drop a buncha carpets on them or something?

russia wants to stop the invasion, rn he is organizing FSB to take the blame when he take out russians forces from ukraine

Bomb yourself, muttard

Russia doesn't even want to invade Poland.

They would love the baltic states though

Im pretty sure we will sabotage some attack on NATO.
Well, guess ww3 is coming.

>Poland sucks
we all do, some more than others

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Shut the fuck up zogbot at this point Jewnited States are a bigger threat to my existence than Russia.

Look at her nose. Poles truly are subhuman.

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2 nukes would be enough to wipe poland from the face of the earth

russians would probably drop 'em if the absolute madmen manage to get NATO involved

What does the NATO treaty say? an attack on one is an attack on all.

Serbia is the only one I can think of

What VPN works here? none

Are you mentally retarded? If NATO bombed Moscow, the Russians would retaliate. Now fuck off.

Poland isn't a real country, just like Ukraine. Give Poland back to Germany and Ukraine back to Russia, and all of the problems go away.

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Poland is the only country worth protecting, leave them alone Putin.

Didn't you already flew drone to croatia's capital adn created an explosion? How lucky were you not to harm anyone

T.pole with a VPN or a polish immigrant
Whats up scizscscsrski?

They don't even want the Baltics, they're weird Germanic kinda people. They even helped them join NATO. You can't join NATO if you have active territorial disputes and the Russians resolved border conflicts with them.

We all have to die someday user

How many of these would it take to reduce Moscow to rubble before they even notice they're under attack?

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2 more days until Poland surrenders.

I swear, American NPCs are foaming at the mouth harder over Russia than the actual people who are being invaded.
Stop outsourcing your brain function to the state-run media you fucking subhuman

Just one.

Your butt must be hurting a lot lately, Ivan?

What about if Pland comes crawling, begging to tongue my foreskin?
What do?

France, Canada, England, Italy, Serbia, Germany, Belgium, The Netherlands. I know you mutts are functionally illiterate with an educational system that's beyond parady. But you're quite the aggressor
Even Japan is whiter then you nigger

How many niggers can be stuffed in the bomb bay of that thing?



Carpet bombed by whom exactly?

>reduce Moscow to rubble
How are anglos such complete pieces of shit?
They cry "on no, mah ukranian women and children"
then "lets bomb Russian women and children".
Is it cognitive dissonance? Schizophrenia? microcephaly? The education system?

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Was flipping through a new print textbook and stumbled upon a section titled "Poland, the sick man of NATO".

Baltics have a lot of russian minority to "liberate"

They did bomb the two cities with the largest Christian population in Japan. Coincidence?

toast my friend, those hypocritical monsters

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these are useless money sinks, the "radar absorbing" bullshit only works if it's facing sideways relative to the radar dish, otherwise it just shows up like a normal aircraft without that ultra expensive paint. i'm not even mentioning the fact that it's very hard to keep stable without computer assists

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I think the moment this war hits Russia's doorstep is when the shit will really hit the fan.

>russia anexes ukraine
>declares everry ukraininan a russian citizen
>suddenly there are 3 milion russians opressed by fascist polish regime

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