plebittors are literally subhuman kettle lead to slaughter

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Russia is getting btfo, but all the foreign fighters are dying? Something doesn't add up.

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stop noticing things, goy!

What was meaned by this?

(((foreign volunteers)))

meanwhile my family is trying to flee australia and having troubles with approval to leave (since when have we needed that holy fuck)





First every side effect story from the clotshot gets censored. Now they're censoring war casualties. The question is, was pleddit really always a based operation geared towards genociding sois?

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Jesus fucking Christ lmao

Judaism is a mental illness.

That’d be based if true.

Can't virtuelarp for reddit gold when you're dead.

Oy vey shut it down

This screencap is anti-semitic.

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Hahaha, fucking kikes man, pathetic as fuck

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>Putin, Assad, Sadam, etc. are brutal dictators who don't allow any free speech!

>Bans anything that doesn't fully align with the narrative and censors anyone slightly right wing to "deplatform nazis".

How do liberals and Redditors not see the irony here? If they had power of a state they would ban and imprison millions, they don't actually care about muh free speech and muh free media.

Die for Cybertroon, NPC-bots.

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Its absolutely fucking unbelievable how much I hate jews holy shit.

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Sweaty plz. Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences. They are for free speech, you just need to be persecuted heavily and censored for saying the wrong things.

>subhuman kettle

Can u pls remove this?


whoa.. it's like IRL directed by M. Night Shamalan

They thought it would be just like in Marvel movies or Call Of Duty games

Encourage it. The more leftists who throw themselves into a meat grinder the better.

Plot twist: Bill Gates was the hero all along.

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Exactly. Russia is flushing the shitter known as Reddit for us. I am very grateful for that.

the retard culling has truly begun lmao

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Holy shit Jews are retarded. Don't they understand that to black people they are considered white as well?

>Something doesn't add up.

That they are lead kettles, that is, old, unreliable and slow appliances made to boil leaves that might or might not give you stomach cancer by using them.

I understood it because reading reddit threads ALSO give me stomach cancer

top kek

Every such cases.


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>not supported by "credible sources"

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please stop posting larpddit fucking shit like it matters
and on top of that, please stop telling these fucking larpdditors they will be slaughtered if they "help" in jewcraine. its like a heaven sent gift these fucking retards are going to get slaughtered by russians.

>Thinking Jews see race like that.
Mate everybody who is not Jewish is goyim, that's it they don't care about anything else.

your thread sucks. Why not share a link?

Imagine posting about jewddit on pol xDDDD
5463 and wepodt

Hahaha, holy shit I didn't even see the kike double feature. What an interesting timeline to be a banker

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and thats a good thing

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we should encourage more redditors to go fight for the Ukrainian avengers

How can liberals unironically claim Putin is a dictator when they do shit like this? It's just mindblowing to me, you literally support the same, if not greater, amount of censorship against opinions you don't like. How can any American liberal claim the moral high ground about "freedom of media, free speech, liberal democracy" when they themselves don't follow it?