I want to understand from a psychological perspective why some people are unable to reflect on society and themselves...

I want to understand from a psychological perspective why some people are unable to reflect on society and themselves and just go with the herd? I spent so much time on lecturing my girlfriend about how literally every virus only exists as a theoretical computer model and how virology is a fraud and based on misinterpretations. Now all this invested energy in endless discussions and debates was instantly wasted when she got tested positive and had the flu (like never before, that's her argument). I'm fucking sick of such people comforting themselves all the fucking time. Tell me what is actually wrong with them?

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I've been wondering the same thing. It all seems to come down to fear, it's too scary and uncomfortable to develop your own opinions and go against the herd's opinion.
I'm not sure there's much that can be done about it I'm afraid. Sorry I can't provide much more input than this. It's something I'm constantly trying to understand myself, but it's difficult getting into their minds.

I agree with you. What I've figured out is that your knowledge is also your identity. If I come up to you and tell you everything you believed is a joke and untrue you would suffer from cognitive dissonance and ultimately deny even the most obvious proof presented. Back when living in tribes this behaviour ensured our well-being and our future by not trusting anyone else but our kind. I just don't know how to go on with women after this. I either have to get a new girlfruend which is more submissive or figure out a way for me to not care. My past girlfriends were much more submissive, either didn't care or understood but though didn't care. I liked this much more than a girlfriend who triggers me constantly because she has no arguments.

Explain how thinking so much on things beyond your control is an evolutionary aid when you're the one wasting calories on outrage and they're fine.

>muh psychologization

it's evolution

It’s your fault for expecting a woman to have an independent thought that goes against the herd, especially if it isn’t comforting. She’s biologically hard wired to be this way. If she doesn’t submit to your beliefs then she doesn’t respect you. Accept that reality or move on from her.

You're right. Wanna know what her response is? I don't respect her for her beliefs. And this drives me crazy as I can point out all the fallacies in her beliefs. Deep down I know she knows I'm a smartass but just won't admit it.

Indeed, I think they've simply been trained on "mainstream ideas" (whatever it might be called) past the point where it would be easy to return to a neutral mindset. As you say, challenging them on a core idea now is impossible since you're challenging who they are as a person. Practically distorting their view of the world.

Trying to understand things is all we can do. I'd rather die aware than live mindlessly.

Exactly. Now my biggest fear is, like I told her already plenty of times, is that she will at one point choose the absolutely wrong path (like taking the jab) of which I could've saved her from. This feeling would nag on me and I couldn't look into her eyes anymore. She seems to not understand that I actually care about her and misinterprets it as forcing my will upon her. Fucking feminism.

>Tell me what is actually wrong with them?
Average IQ. Thinking is hard and kmowing that you are basically out for yourself is scary. It's similar the existential dread some people feel when they are confronted with the fact that other people still exist when they are not interacting with them, and have lives of their own.

>get a virus
>"it's not a virus, it's magic"

This is the dumbest thread I've ever seen.

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> Wanna know what her response is?
Not particularly to be honest. Women's political “beliefs” change like the wind based on power dynamics and virtue signaling. I learned long ago not to seek solace in my girlfriends on such topics. Now I only accept either agreement or silent submission. Sometimes it takes a good dicking to get them to pipe down, but if it becomes a regular occurrence then I ghost. There’s nothing worse in life than an unruly women.

Try to explain this to her calmly at another time, I'm sure you can gradually get through to her. Being calm is important, if you passionately push your ideas, she'll do the same in response. Then it won't matter who's correct, only who the most emotional one is.
I don't know if people can be saved from this closed mindedness, but I hope they can, and I wish you luck.

Let's not derail this thread but I give you a hint: Merely all diseases which are not caused by environmental factors are caused by your own mind, your own perception of certain events. Words and phrases can hurt a lot, physical harm can, as you know, can lead to psychological problems. Certain events in your life which really impact you can lead to diseases but also cured when you resolve the issue behind the trauma. In regard to the covid hoax: As soon they came up with the unreliable drosten pcr test they added pretty much any flu symptom to the symptoms of an originally lung disease.

its easier.

We misunderstood, her response was "I don't respect her for her beliefs neither" because I already addressed this issue of me feeling she doesn't respect me.

Unruly women are really hard to deal with.

Yup, being too passionate is bad as she thinks you want to enforce this view on her but you only want her to understand and realize it by herself.

>Merely all diseases which are not caused by environmental factors are caused by your own mind, your own perception of certain events.
you are retarded

I thought it was about laziness at first too, but on time I've observed that it isn't that easy. Some people are legitimately unable to grasp it, no matter the effort.

Easy. For most normies doing what society wants is the only option under consideration. The social forces that based autists question or ignore are too scary to confront. How could I not go to sportsball? How could I not go to restaurants? Of course I'll . It doesn't even occur to them that something outside of that might be better, and they're terrified to try because of normalcy bias.

t. PhD psychology

>be an absolute fucking retard pseudo-pseudo-intellectual
>be militant about it
>still get, and keep, a girlfriend
Did she see dark triad in you shouting about psychosomatic viruses, or how did that happen?

Do you really need us to explain why your girlfriend trusts doctors with institutional authority and simple positions more than your autistic ramblings about how viruses were invented by the deep state to make you eat bugs?

It's because you're not persuasive. Any idiot can come up with a complicated conspiracy. It takes talent to know how to communicate that conspiracy persuasively. The problem isn't the listener, the problem is you. You'll never change anyone's mind coming here to bitch.

F.e. disassociative personality disorders is mostly induced by sexual abuse. Do you really think this is not a needful program of your mind to cope with the trauma?

I know all of you shills are buttugly but let me remind you that we aren't. Most of us have even well paid jobs. You can count me in.

You're implying my girlfriend hasn't received all the literature I worked with to figure this all out? Nice implications.

it's a troll thread, don't feed the morons bro

I'm not implying that at all. I'm expressly stating that she definitely hasn't read that literature because she has no reason to want to read that literature.

My express point without any hint of subtlety is that the reason no one, including your girlfriend, takes you seriously is because you "debate" and "lecture" and give literature because you think those are the same thing as "persuade".

Then they aren't persuaded and you come here to bitch about how something must be wrong with THEM because they weren't persuaded by your bickering and sniping and wouldn't read you 800 page document list to even understand your premise.

The answer is not "lol women are genetically inferior" which is what I'm sure you were hoping to get from this nice little hugbox. The answer is - nobody is obligated to buy your bullshit. You struggling to persuade people of your totally legit, not insane conspiracy? Then the problem is you. Spend as much time learning to be persuasive as you do coming up with conspiracies and you'll be the next Alex Jones.