Putin could unleash biological weapon from seized Ukraine lab, experts fear



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Here we go.

They really think we will believe this shit, eh?

>Russia may move to seize a biomedical research facility, weaponize a pathogen, then blame it on Ukraine & the U.S.

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So tiresome

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it's all so tiresome

How could you unleash something that was not there? Previously they claimed that, there's nothing to see.

But weren't those harmless "health labs" or whatever the new newspeak word was?

Olympic level mental gymnastics

this is fake news. there are no labs in ukraine chuds.

not even a week ago the claim was the labs didn't even exist, 5 days ago the claim was that they did exist but didn't contain bioweapon level pathogens and chemicals that could be used for nefarious purposes, 3 days ago they claimed that every nation on the planet had bioweapons facilities, 2 days ago they admitted everything was true, 1 day ago they switched back to the bioweapons are normal narrative, now we are here.

It's really tiresome.

Uhm I don't think so sweatie. The bio-weapon narrative has been deboonked.

That was a research facility. FACILITY, not a lab.

The Daily Mirror has been hacked by Putinbots posting debunked Russian propaganda.
There are no biological weapons or biolabs in Ukraine.


> we don't have biological weapons labs in Ukraine
> if Russia captures our biological weapons lab in Ukraine they might unleash our biological weapons

If there had been an American-made bioweapon in Ukraine, the US would've moved to hide it during the two months they were warning people about the invasion. They didn't, so it's highly unlikely.

No, that is not what they are saying. Does anyone read anymore?


At this point, who gives a shit? Kill off everybody on the planet.

The labs don't exist though, and it's not being used to produce bioweapons...right?

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So they admit there were biolabs now?

In roulette you pay red and black and you'll always win.
Unless it comes up zero but those odds are shitty.

I thought those labs were a conspiracy theory? I honestly stopped paying attention for a bit. When did the narrative change?

you retards, those are not US laboratories anymore since russians captured them.
So the claim that there are no (more) US biolabs in Ukraine right now is correct

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GTFO jew

But I thought bioweapon labs was russian fake news

Wouldn't they hit themself if they realeased any bioagents? I mean china proved it can contain stuff with wu flu pandemy but russians weren't exactly good at it.

the next shoe to drop is that the bioweapons labs developed covid

Why were there biological weapons in those labs?

It's like Assad all over again

Clown world news. HOOONK

There were no biological weapons there though.

They had to admit to them when it became clear Putin would seize them and potentially release info. They had to in order to spin a new lie that they were in fact the 'good kind of biolabs that the DOD decides to fund'.

In a changing world, a lie is constantly evolving.

But I thought it wasn't a bio weapons lab??????

Did Biden lie to us Bros??????

>the experts are admitting the US was developing biological weapons in Ukraine
B-but muh fact checkers!

wtf is this mental gymnastics
how do normies not die from cognitive dissonance

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>weaponize a pathogen
Do you have any idea how long that actually takes?
What they mean is they might deploy an already weaponized pathogen.

Who are these fucking experts?
Experts at what?
How many experts are there?
>experts say I'm a gay retarded faggot!

>hahaha we are going to add Ukraine into NATO, then build a missile based pointed to Moscow.
>Wait! Nonononono you can't build you bio-weapon in Ukraine! Only we can threat other nations

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Yep, just gain of function hypervirulent mutants which can be converted into a bioweapon by simply yellying, "whoopsie" and dropping a fucking petri dish

source: Im actually a microbiologist

You cant research along these paths and not produce bioweapons which is of course what they want because it gives them the bioweapon while at the same time providing deniability.

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No internal monologue means no internal consideration. It's just an eternal present.

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you don't experience cognitive dissonance if you don't think

So they had bio weapons over there?

>US official: Russian invasion of Ukraine risks release of dangerous pathogens

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>Chaos of War... fertile ground for...other pathogens.

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Why would russia need Ukrainian stocks of pathogens in order to weaponize them? This only makes sense if there already are bioweapons in the labs.
It's funny because they could just have claimed that russia would use the labs to cover up the use of bioweapons in general.

My thoughts exactly, you don't just whip up a lethal bioweapon out of thin air

Some concepts that might help understanding the craziness of a leftist, even through all the clown shit we've seen

>learned helplessness
>Choice-supportive bias /Post-Purchase Rationalisation
>Stockholm Syndrome
>Cognitive dissonance especially
>Cognitive Parallax

>leftists are just affected by cognitive parallax. They replace the real world with their imagination, being therefore immune to anything real and factual. It makes them reject facts and evidence to those facts if they don't have a pre-built imagination that makes that fact compatible with what they perceive to be real. Thus they can be easily persuaded by mainstream narratives.

pic related is a book on the subject

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>There are no biolabs in Ukraine
>There are no bioweapons in Ukraine
>There are Russian bioweapons in Ukraine
>There are Ukrainian bioweapons in Ukraine that we were going to use on Russia
>There are Ukrainian bioweapons in Ukraine that we were going to use on (You), and that's a good thing

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>So they had bio weapons over there

Where the fuck do you think the VAXX killing billions was made?

The VAXX is the bio weapon.

So these labs had biological weapons? I'm confused.
wow buddy, put the breaks on that logical thinking. It will get you in trouble. :)

>there are no US biolabs, that's a conspiracy theroy
>there are biolabs but they are Ukrainian
>there are US biolabs but they are for civil research
>there are potentially deadly pathogens in the biolabs but they are for research purposes
You are here
>There are bioweapons in the labs but they are for defensive puposes
>there are offensive bioweapons in ukraine and that's a good thing: here's why

Recent history suggests that what the U.S. federal government predicts will happen, but every person should question why that is the case?

Perhaps, events come about because the U.S. government makes sure they do.

Question intent.
Question everything.
Who benefits?
Follow the power.
Follow the money.

Russia is about to attack Ukraine.


Russia is about to attack Ukraine

Russia is about to attack Ukraine

Russia attacks Ukraine.

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