HAHAH /K/ larper goes to Ukraine, gets btfo

Special ops bros, what happened? Did we get too cocky?

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I mean he is still alive, must be doing something right.

American military has been "fighting" small rural farming families for the last 60 years. Literally gunning down brown women and children cause their country doesn't have a McDonald's.

Now when they face a worthy opponent they shit their pants and run and then get blown to a thousand pieces

i think hes either a larper or hohols send volonteers as cannon fodder regardless of status

hohols have quite some experience cooperating with foreign mercenaries
so i tend to believe the faggot is a larper.
spec ops are supposed to work behind the frontlines.
or maybe it faggot sensationalism and they changed elite troops (marines) into spec ops

Seriously, who belives the larp? Not a single photo of ukranian battlefield

Maybe he's Airforce SF

I assume ukies just send everyone to the front unless they are pilots

In real wars, infantry basically acts as bodyguards and meatshiels for crew serviced weapons, and to actually hold territory that has been gained.

Missiles, airstrikes, artillery and mass mechanized forces are the weapons that actualy prosecute targets and win wars. The hammer to the infantrys anvil

''Spec ops'' guys are especially usless in conventional conflicts when they arent kicking down mud hut doors and murdering villagers

When the first LARPerators get vaporized by cruise missiles or artillery fire expect an exodus back to the U.S

It has been a solid 50 years since the American infantryman has experienced

>artillery barrages
>an air force
>organized conventional troop movements
>multiple rocket launcher systems aimed at him

Keep this in mind 24/7

i assumed because of their experience with foreigners they would create formations based on nationality and background.
but the more i think of it, the less it makes sense.

>faggot arrives
>noone knows from where, nor know his background
>can be a spy too
>send him to the meatgrinder then it doesnt matter

lmao you burgers really hate your airforce, dont you

Good riddance.
They drank the ww2 era german propaganda kool aid
“Brave hohols are gunning down hundreds of thousands of russians… they just keep coming!! The men are starting to feel bad because they are killing so many. Please enlist !”

The reality is: western volunteers will sit in a ditch, guard some checkpoint, get probed by russian armor, then get blown up by massed arty and swept by mechanized troops

Or bypassed entirely, starved and then surrender. They will live in brutal conditions on very little food and no sleep.
If they surrender, they will probably get executed or paraded as propaganda wins. Best case get prosecuted for war crimes and sentenced to prison

Get fucking decimated reddit shills

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/k/ikesisters how can this be happening we took all our top cum eating operators over and they they just chopped us down like we were garbage


>where's NATO. Where's the supposed good of western civilization
Nice propaganda retard. Of course a pro-russian propagandist would emblish or make up events that aren't even true.
KYS ivan

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>/k/ larper
reddit larper more like, even /k/ isn't that dumb, and they eat cum brownies


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He's just another bitter American. I guarantee nothing in that tweet ever happened.
Loads of American ex-servicemen get like this and go to bat for Russia, I have no clue why. There was some colonel on Fox just a few days ago going on and on about how it was all ogre, Putin stronk, suka blyatkrieg etc etc

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>Missiles, airstrikes, artillery and mass mechanized forces are the weapons that actualy prosecute targets and win wars. The hammer to the infantrys anvil
>''Spec ops'' guys are especially usless in conventional conflicts when they arent kicking down mud hut doors and murdering villagers

This may be a big taboo but I wonder why we don't see more assassinations. I mean even if the answer if that it would just escalate then maybe a 3rd party would be interested in that.

Yep, they are used to fighting lightly equipped irregulars with air support on their side. A proper army with air superiority is new to them.

Yep, the boots are just there to find out where the enemy is. They advance and the enemy has to kill them, revealing themselves. But they also have some pretty good firepower at individual/fire team level so at least they cant be rolled by tanks and helicopters. Still going to get fucked by proximity fused artillery though.

I dont get why you would want to go to ukraine. War fucking sucks unless you have superiority in everything

>send volonteers as cannon fodder regardless of status
if they actually are nationalist, you would never send your own blood over foreign

Not exactly funny...

do you know who nolan peterson is?
he is as zogbott as they get, why would he post pro russian propaganda?

And also OP's image has nothing to do with /k/ or Any Forums at all. Assume anyone in this thread that mentions /k/ (not captilized like OP btw) is a FSB kremlin shill

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>But they also have some pretty good firepower at individual/fire team level so at least they cant be rolled by tanks and helicopters. Still going to get fucked by proximity fused artillery though.
Russians will rather eat the costs, and attack anyway

Nothing has shown that Russians are afraid to maneuver in this war

Correct. People are stupid if they think the Russians are going house to house to clear buildings. Look at Aleppo. Russians are not afraid to Stalingrad a city in order to win. Reality will set in for all of these brave volunteers after a few artillery barrages.

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Rofl reminds me of that journal Galdalf reads of the last few days before the dwarves in Moria get overrun by jews.


no it is propaganda, just from the opposite angle that he thinks

a *sly nationalist.
except their government 100% isnt.

>by entering nato they are willing to give up sovereignity in order to further the agenda of the atlantic bloc
>opposite of nationalism


The infantry have crew served weapons you tard. They’re called machine guns. 240b, mk19, m2.

Everything else you mentioned is support.

cope with what, I'm not invested in this shit

Probably the correct choice that will end to less deaths in the long run. Keep up the momentum, dont let the enemy dig in and dont get bogged down. Obv its also a time issue, with the risk for foreign intervention increasing by the day.

They have used nationalist rhetoric to gain popularity, stability etc
The entire regime started as a nationalist movement (sponsored by the USA).
That the top guys are all corrupt money grubbing jews honestly checks out.
A true nationalist wouldn’t sell of his country to foreign interests.


>TFW you go fight for the baddies.

foreign fighters get NO QUARTER

You have a team for the fn mag? Always used it alone.

I agree totally. If you want to fight, to attack, and win, you need to be decisive and be ready to absorb some costs.

The tactical phase was always considered of secondary importance to the Russians. It might be blunt, but they value operational gains over human lives.
And in the long run this strategy will pay off.
Ukrainians are already losing everywhere. Initiative is solely on the Russian side


The only actual combat video we got came from a shitty camera on that nuclear plant someone set on fire
It's all so tiresome