The usage of CBD

Give it to me straight/pol/, is it based to use CBD?
I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder & clinical depression when I was a child living in an asylum.
My doctor's forced me to take all kinds of schizo drugs that only made me more depressed, numb, and made me feel like an animal at a zoo.
I was experimented on for students at UC Davis. I was used as a guinea pig.
I've refused to take drugs as an adult for my disorders, but I just can't take it anymore.
I'm so close to having a healthy life. I work out, read, have hobbies, work a full time job that I actually enjoy, women love flirting with me & I get so many numbers to the point of annoyance.
However I just can't deal with the anxiety. Every now & then I get overwhelmed & it just sucks ass.
So give it to me straight/pol/, does CBD actually work for people with anxiety disorders?

Attached: avida-blue-razz-cbd-vape-juice.png (440x440, 43.56K)

CBD only works for anxiety at high doses, you need to abuse it to feel blissful, but fuck it works

cock and ball dorture

Now that thc delta 8 is legal I don't really get the cbd meme.

it does literally nothing

no, take Kratom instead. shit's legal Adderall.

In my state all Marijuana is legal
(I think?) But I need CBD because of my job. I'm not trying to get high, just healed.

try it what do you have to lose but the money you pay?
it may help you it may not

I know a guy who was on meds for anxiety and such. He was a mess, turned into an alcoholic. His grandma bought him CBD. He stopped drinking, got off the meds, and became a totally descent guy. Good job, fat wife, but still, he used to be asked to leave everywhere he showed up.

Shit honestly works, I tried everything in my life to solve my health problem. I got reactive hypoglycemia. aka diabetes symptoms without having diabetes. Nothing worked, it took 80% of my day to counter it w/ all kinds of diets and what not. I started taking CBD, thinking it was just snake oil -but hey what gives, worth the try- and it cured this for me. I can literally live again.

Yes, CBD works. At least for me it does?
I'd recommend it.

.t non drugged toothpaste fag

Attached: medihemp-18percent-raw.jpg (1200x1200, 126.27K)

good for this user. and see...

how long have you been taking it?

Reactive hypoglycemia is truly hell.
>eat food
>even hungrier
>eat more food
>day is ruined
>eat food
>ignore feelings of hunger and power through headaches and loss of energy
>goes away after three hours
>15 seconds later the actual hunger sets in
Life is miserable when it flares up

No. It doesn't do shit. If your anxiety is really bad (like mine) none of this shit works except prescription drugs. I know that's kind of a black pill, but it is what it is. Big Jew Pharma is the only solution sometimes.

Does CBD really have any meaningful interactions with your body besides the cure-all "it stops inflammation"

goddamn user, it's literally this.
If you have, go get yourself some goddamn CBD.
I assure you, it helped me. Pic related is what I take.

about 2 to 3 months.
Taking my pic related

try niacin or ashwaganda

CBD is better as an addition to pain medication. CBD+Ibuprofin works better at my body pain than opiates and is what I use to avoid taking them entirely since they're poison. If you're having anxiety issues consider hydroxyzine. It's a non addictive antihistamine that has anti anxiety properties. I take the lowest medical dose to take the edge off anxiety and deal with it on my terms. It does not alter emotions or end up dangerous like Xanax. Practicing mindfulness and breathing techniques only go so far.

I have a friend who got prescription drugs against depression and he went completely unrecognizable, poor fool had no idea what he was taking. After this I have only taken lifesaving traditional medicine. Keeping my own mental health by smoking some weed from time to time(the CBD stuff is best, but sometimes just getting high is enough)

Also your garden and the forest is full of good stuff that can help against all sort of stuff. Just DON'T use most modern fertilizers they are full of unwanted unnecessary metals.

What did they give you?

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Cbd is great. Doesnt hit your head as hard. Totally good in a pinch.
t. Career toker

I tried ashwaganda extract & sometimes it helps sometimes it doesn't

zoloft and klonopin

You sound anxious in such a way that asking people on a political discussion board about CBD is likely to increase said anxiety with their antagonistic replies... faggot.

CBD doesn't do anything at all
Neither does weed
Drink whiskey

it helps take the edge of if you have mild anxiety. if you are a basket case, look elsewhere.