$64,000,000 worth of Russian hardware abandoned in a field because they ran out of gas

$64,000,000 worth of Russian hardware abandoned in a field because they ran out of gas

Attached: fqw4.png (675x900, 679.82K)

source: My Fat Latvian Hairy Ass

he cant keep getting away with it

Attached: ukrainian farmer steals a tank.webm (348x640, 236.67K)

how to spot a russian migrant living in a baltic country 101 :

I'll give you $250 for it...looks used and probably has alot of bondo work on it.

you know finland is not a baltic country right? lmao shut the fuck up if you dont know that basic fact

Based Russians

Your mother was a part of baltic

Finland was Baltic country after ww1, pydoraschenka

>because they ran out of gas
Meh, we left billions of dollars worth without even that excuse

is it all the corruption or why are tunguskas so fuckin expensive lmao

Do you feel cool lying on the internet?

Ei, isä ja äiti tulee molemmat järvi suomesta mutta nyt ne elää turussa jossa minä myös synnyin

wdym? we are northern european

This stuff is baffling to me. This invasion has been in the works since 2014 at the latest - almost a decade, and they never thought to make sure they had a way to fuel their eleventibllion vehicles.

You mean 859,072,000 rubles?

They are not abandoned, they just parking in their new lands.

Attached: 1646323451691.jpg (2471x1646, 771.31K)


Here I thought Americans were the worst at geography...

That'd be amazing if true lmao

Don't believe everything on the internet.

t.guy on the internet

Nigger are you confusing baltic with balkan kek

turns out vehicles don't run on vodka, unlike their soldiers

so what the fuck happened to all the fuel? I know Drones have been working overtime, but surely they haven't targeted specifically gas trucks and destroyed them all?

it is, tons of videos like this

just random ass farmers stealing million dollar russian vehicles

Attached: 1646443918802 (1).webm (576x1280, 2.93M)

Northern europe =/= balkan, what are you even doing???

They should call ДДД to come with a can of gas.

Attached: spurdo_russian_yolo.jpg (700x499, 71.2K)