What happens here?

Attached: Flag_of_Alaska.png (1200x800, 13.85K)

The big dipper and northern star you illiterate faggot




Post-Apocalyptic Kung-Fu

It's the flag of Alaska you illiterate faggot.
He's asking what happens in Alaska.


Nothing stay the fuck away.

no duplicate flags allowed in this thread. also fuck off we're full, OP

All you need to know about Alaska;
A beautiful girl just for you behind every tree in Nome(pic related)
Average age of lost virginity(female): 12
Average age of lost virginity(male): 19
48% female, 52% male
2.3 STIs per sexually active female on average
Drunk Eskimo & Inuit tribes of dozens of people, aged walking to wheelchair bound, passing bottles between them while they migrate from the tribal office building to their local banks. On foot. Flipping off traffic.
The roads actually improve in the winter, as the ice forms a relatively smooth surface that only needs gravel and sand for traction.
The Alaska Air Guard, known as mosquitos, can be as large as a woman's pinky finger.
Muskeg deep enough to suck a Dodge Ram 1500 with suspension and frame lifts up to the windows.
Paying 2022 prices in 2010 for all foods and fuels.

S'pretty OK if you can manage to build your bunker in the middle of nowhere, and don't need shit like sandwich meat or anything fancy like that.

Attached: beautifulgirlseverywhere.jpg (720x480, 95.25K)



Why do I see das juden


Bong hits 4 jesus

Something is going out of the pan.
Captcha: 8NNMN

Post the hottest girl you personally know from your town

Alaska has had more minority births than white births for the past decade.

Attached: 3CBE71A6-983A-4DAB-B9C8-508DD353BE72.png (960x640, 95.26K)

This map is completely false and the French are known dicklets

Looks like the EU got drunk desu

You'll have to post some photographic evidence to back your claim.
Post cock.

Attached: 0D850B27-80D3-48DF-9852-1AE39F1DA41E.png (770x1379, 223.88K)

I have that same design on my pistol. WTF!!!

Attached: DSCN8071.jpg (3264x2448, 1.6M)

>ios pic id
Here comes reddit

Give me pics of your girl and I'll be just a minute

Polaris and how to find it? What is your point?

Attached: orion0014.png (627x472, 711.98K)

>trusting what niggers say about their own dicks
this is why the catholic church is the undisputed arbiters of dick size. a priest will never lie about an alter boys dick length

Roided punks who love to lick knives and axes get exploded by post-nuclear bruce lee.

I'm not reddit, I'm in a car.


Minority crime and welfare fraud