Capitalism is literally retards. It's zero sum

Capitalism is literally retards. It's zero sum.
Capitalism exists because of poltards, willing to die to defend a strip mall. If you stopped defending other peoples property it would collapse. It would be nice if you were neets but you aren't. You pointlessly defend a dying system.
Capitalism didn't exist until the twentieth century. Libs define capitalism as subsistence agriculture. In reality most people were farmers until 1900. It was half overall and nearly all the male employment.
The farm workers fell half by 1950. That means it took until 1950 for the majority of males to leave farms. America was subsistence agriculture until 70 years ago.
Libs treat cops as just another job, like they emerged fully formed from the void in the Big Bang. In reality cops started a few decades ago and are niggers.

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>zero sum

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Did you know that every human being is a capitalist? Capital is simply defined as "a means of wealth exchange" and an -ism is of course a belief system.

Everyone believes in exchange of wealth, of course. Even you, fellow capitalist.

I think that's probably the only way I would know how to offend a person like you, by preying on your socialist obsessions.

>Risking your life to defend someone else's mall...

This is worse than having a monthly OF subscription desu

Voluntary contract and exchange are mutually beneficial. Capitalism is private property ownership.

Fuck off dude you've posted this like 3 times a week every week for the last 2 years now. You lose every time because of

What a idiot definition.

Only if you can't do math.
A pays b 100, b pays a 99, a pays b 98 etc.
Now give some idiot reply proving you can't do math.

So it's literally semantics with you people, huh?

Sociology terminology has its own dictionary because it IS NOT REAL ENGLISH. When I deal with you people privately I prefer to pick them up both ankles and let the head hit the floor with a crack. Leave them on the sidewalk.

Commies aren't people :)

Yes capitalism is leftwing. Anyone who isn't retarded knows cops are niggers.

I like how leftists ran away and stopped defending capitalism.

Yeah duh, poltards are leftist parasites and defend capitalism.

You must be 18 to post here.

Go to bed kid.

Jidf loses, capitalism is defeated.

Real capitalism, much like Real Socialism/Communism has never been tried. It has always been held back by the human element. Remove humans from the equation and it'll work far better (or work at all, in regards to socialism/communism.) The "problem" isn't how "capitalism" works (or doesn't), it's the restrictions and dumb fuckery we force it to operate under.

It can't because it's zero sum.
A pays b 100, b pays a 99, a pays b 98 etc.
Now give some idiot reply proving you can't do math.

Cope more, commie faggot.


Oh shit the Jannie is getting trigger. You gonna cut your dick off? Lmfao

I'm going to assume you meant to point out the "Labor is theft" line Marxists did way back in the days of the 1840s or so, when industrialization was displacing massive amounts of workers and laborers were in an enviable position of having too little negotiating power and far too much competition?

If so, I would reply with "What would they be making if they didn't engage in this behavior?" I,E. If a worker didn't work for Subway for $11/hr, how much money would they be making by comparison?

You would die without capitalism. You're worthless. It's a waste of time, anything that keeps you alive is.

>reply with "What would they be making if they didn't engage in this behavior?"
Capitalism is zero sum and has nothing to do with your post. You proved you can't do math or read. I will not explain for the third time.
To answer your question jobs are pointless and you should be allowed to die.

You are completely economically illiterate. The world's standard of living has increased as it's population increased as well which easily debunks the zero-sum economic fallacy. This isn't the middle ages anymore, retard