Drone crashed in Croatia carried explosives

>soviet-era drone crashes in Zagreb
>explodes, forming a crater
>flew over romania and hungary
>air defenses did nothing
>analysis now shows drone carried a bomb

Lads, this thing could have easily fallen on my building and killed a hundred people. I can take a short walk to the crater right now. Both Ukraine and Russia deny any involvement. Croatia so far has no response. How would your country respond to this?


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Yawn. Old news

Incorrect. So far it has been assumed it was a scouting drone only. Now it has been confirmed it carried a bomb.

hohols did it as a false flag attempt. lucky they are incompetent and the payload didnt expload.

The payload did explode as none of it remains, surely. The detonator has been recovered.

hohols must be so desperate lol.

few drones from where tracked and lost in Hungarian forest, probably zelensky tying to bait no fly zone form NATO

An alternative is Russia sent a drone to kill someone and it malfunctioned.

so much for the superior NATO air defences kek.

Why would Russia use a 40 year old drone to do anything over Croatia? It's the same shit like the air attack inside Belarus. Ukraine's sole strategy since day 1 is to make this war a world war.

Countries could achieve the same security outcome by just taking more care of weird flying objects above their own skies, as Romania, Hungary and Croatia all should have done. But if this drone had fallen e.g. on the Zagreb cathedral, all hell would have broken loose.

acktually that was a yugo drone.
time machine was built in 1960s by yugo army to fuck up traitors in case of a treason.

expect 2 battalions coming in exactly two weeks time.

>so much for the superior NATO air defences kek.
gib iron dome pls

I'm not saying Croatia was the target, I'm saying Ukraine was the target and the drone malfunctioned. It fell on Croatia supposedly when running out of fuel, and hit a field vs a real target, so it's not hard to imagine Zagreb wasn't the actual target. As for why Russia would use a 40 year old drone -- why not? Use what you have, the equipment isn't completely obsolete yet.

>How would your country respond to this?
Import more brown people ASAP.

I'm so so sleepy...

Have a bump bro.
Some d00d I was talking to on the street yesterday mentioned there were 2 parachutes also in the wreck? For it to land or what

>I can take a short walk to the crater right now.
Alright ... Go right ahead. I’ll check the tab in fifteen minutes.

The drone lands using parachutes, it cannot land any other way it seems. At first they searched for pilots but then it turned out it was a drone.

Nah gonna go grab a cup of coffee with friends and discuss out impending doom. Incidentally in a coffee shop minutes away on foot from the crater.

40 years old is almost too modern for the Russian fags.

if OP doesnt deliver unique photos and videos of crater OP is a massive faggot

I'll try, but by that time the thread will be archived. I'll open a new one in that case.

>on the Zagreb cathedral
better than a fucking student dorm

Can you tell these time machine warrior's to bring back the war train please

No one cares

if OP doesn’t deliver, xe DESERVES to be killed by a malfunctioning Russian drone

fuck off then

Memory hole it. Croatia isn't relevant. The last thing that you want to do is make a fuss about it. If we had a drone and if it crashed over your place, I'd understand you wanting reparations or worse because you have the power to ask for that from us. But from Russia or Ukraine? Really fucking bad idea. Ignore it. Be glad it didn't do actual damage and sweep it under the rug.

Ok zelensky. Now go suck jamal and Trayvon’s bbc

post pics pls bro

It's obvious hohol agitation and our guys didn't take the bait.

i have a feeling that the airplane and helicopter that were downed on our land were either russian misstakes that we covered up, or khohol agitations that we covered up.

>none of it remains
So what am I looking at in OP's picture?

none of the bomb, it went off in the air