My teacher and parents have collaborated to force me into taking the vax since yesterday. I DONT WANT TO!!

My teacher and parents have collaborated to force me into taking the vax since yesterday. I DONT WANT TO!!

give me your savagest arguments against the vaccine.

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stop posting child porn pervert

Just refuse. They can't do shit about it.
Or are you underage?

My son says you have been bullying him.
How about we call a truce and you spend the night while enjoying some juicy chicken breasts I made?

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>Just refuse.
I will be made fun of, jews have successfuly painted free thinking antivaxxers as anti science or anti intellectual retards. I need a sound argument that will make everyone around me clap.

just dont take it what are they going to do?

the get the vax you cuck. who cares if you get made fun of

tell them to show you the long term safety data, that doesn't exist by the way, and when they can't produce it, tell them that the precautionary principal should apply. hopefully deturte won't chuck you out of a helicopter if you don't get it

They keep harrassing me and subtley implying that i wont be allowed at school etc.

being made fun of is nothing compared to having a heart attack and dying

in a year these dimwits won't even remember why they got vaccinated. You don't need any arguments, your body, your choice.

just dont take it dude
I havent gotten the flu shot in 5+ years, and I haven't gotten the flu in 5+ years either.

You intend to get the poison shot to avoid being laughed at? Seriously? How fucking weak are you to peer pressure?

why do you need >us to tell you what arguments to use? have you just been blindly following this whole time? you should already have all the arguments, especially if you've remained unvaccinated up until this point

I don't know if they can legally do that just say no. Do you think your family won't be punished if you don't go school?

Just get covid, recover and say that natural immunity is better that any jab.

Just drop out of school and never leave home or go out, for your safety of course. Otherwise tell parents to fuck off.

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>please give me epic redpills to drop on my parents while they still make me get the vax

Just say no, nigger

ignore them it will 100% fuck your health up because your young. and you will be fucked with 3rd world health care.

if other peoples words makes you afraid, then you deserve the sterilisation user :)

You must be 18 to post here, junior.

everyone already got omnicron, why the fuck are retards still vaxmaxing?

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>being made fun of is nothing compared to having a heart attack and dying

But I just dont want to be made fun of. I dont intend to take the poison shot either.

Canadian that can't even type in proper English. The world that we live in...

Tell them God gave you freewill, and they are not entitled to take it back.
"Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes"
Isaiah 5:21

delete your social media

Are you 18+? Just say "no" then.

eat shit you fags are not worth the effort of proper grammar

My teacher have also collaborated at this point with other teachers to PHYSICALLY force me to take the jab and right now my classmates think I am the biggest retard throwing a temperatrum. HATE THIS SO MUCH.

"My body my choice"
If they keep pressing on, get violent.

Simple as.

>How fucking weak are you to peer pressure?
You have no idea.

that pic make me chuckle every time. idk fren just take the vaccine and die, we all die eventually, maybe your teacher will suck your dick as a reward before you catch vax aids.

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jus Kill them dude.
No one misses vaxxies

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Tough shit faggot, they've already chosen their sides so they won't take anything you say seriously. All you can do is man up. Wasting time on trying to explain things to people who think you're stupid or misinformed will only make you feel angry and disappointed.
t. speaking from experience

well, if you've made it to this point without being vaccinated, and still need someone else to give you the arguments why you shouldn't just take it, perhaps you should just fucking take it

it has been 2 full years you have had covid at least twice already. getting vaxxed now come with a massive risk of horrible side effects.

also where the phuck is PH? puerto hico? pharoe islands? pyong hang?

#1 talk to the police idk about your countrys laws but legal advice here would be good
#2 step up your disagreement, give ultimatums, its maybe not when you want to have a strong rift between these parties but its a good reason to.
#3 attack the teacher specifically, cause a serious rift, between their parties bias your parents and 'teacher' against each other

if you want a good argument, state that this 'vaccine' efficacy and safety tests are based off 2.5months of tests it is unpeer reviewed and if either parties hate america, use it

basically turn their bullshit on them, if they push you further shit your pants and return to monke,

Do not suffer fools

Get used to it fren. Cattle brains has always pointed a finger and laughed at those who think outside the box. All great inventors through history was crazy according to the cattle. Stop caring and you'll be free

>afraid of being laughed at
just tell them to fuck off. triple shot vaxxtards are still catching and apparently dying from 'covid', but if it's been this long tell them you might consider one that was made specifically for omicron instead of delta.
but realistically, tell them to fuck off

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oh filipines my bad

tell your parents if they force you to do it you will leave when you are 18. Don't go along with it, move, dont let them steady your arm, leave the school if they start talking about it, if you think they will do it go home.

It does not prevent transmission therefore you are not selfish.
Your age group has minimal risk.

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id kill the man or women if they tried to force me to take this shit.
if you're in a situation that you have to leave home at 16 or 17 leaving at 18 based on a petty threat is meaningless, just leave.




>your savagest arguments against the vaccine
my mother just got news that she has cancer and she has always been healthy and she got double vaxxed last year

the jews pulled a trojan horse on us, lads

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never was a benefit other than culling the boomers.

Run away from home and become a ladyboy for a living.

you probably wont be able to convince them, tell them you will cause problems for them unless they stop

hold out 6 more months, the narrative of the vaccines being "safe and effective " is falling apart by the minute. Drop out of everything if you have to, and live in a tent or a van if you have too. Within a year you'll become hailed as a visionary!

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I’ve had three shots. My partner has and given birth after to a healthy girl. My daughter is 9 and had 1 shot. No one here is suffering. Get over it

The risk of covid is known but the future risk of vaccine is not. In the short duration of implementation there have been more adverse effect than all previous vaccines combined.
You could also say you are waiting for the non mrna vaccine sinovac I think it's called.

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