What’s the point of posting on a board where there’s no solid consensus and everyone will shit on you regardless of...

What’s the point of posting on a board where there’s no solid consensus and everyone will shit on you regardless of what you say. Perhaps it would be better if this site were shut down for good.

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Grow thicker skin faggot and read into why you have those beliefs that you have. If you're certain then you should be able to argue your position.

Git gud

>there’s no solid consensus

have you read the sticky?

Stop being a faggot.


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>What's the point of posting on a board . . and everyone will shit on you regardless of what you say
that is the entire point of posting on this board m8.

you could also fuck the right off

You do understand you described facebook right? The difference is your close friends and family pretend to care.

think and speak for yourself retard

Cry more bitch nigger

shut up fag

tits or gtfo

>What’s the point of posting on a board where there’s no solid consensus
go back faggot
you're such a piece of shit
holy fuck i hate you

Essentially, I’ll see two conflicting points on some posts that’ll make sense.. but I won’t be able to make up my mind on who to agree with. I have this weird cognitive dissonance thing. For example: I would say I support Putin because supposedly he’s against globohomo. But at the same time, Zelenskiyy is fighting for a white country’s sovereignty. Therefore I’m at a loss.

>being scared of getting called out
You're a bitch that can't handle your viewpoints being challenged. The point of discussion isn't to have people suck you off, it's to gain knowledge.

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I only get (you)s of people agreeing with me or saying kek because I made them laugh

I stay here for the people that support National Socialism and Christian Identity. I know every kike and fed in the world comes on this website to demoralize us. But NatSocs linger on, 16chan is less active.

Learn to think for yourself you literal NPC.

Thanks for the laugh

No consensus among anons a bad thing? As comped as this site is it’s still less comped than any other shill farm out there.

>no solid consensus
Go back to pleddit faggot if all you want is for people to regurgitate talking points you agree with.

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You really don't want an echo chamber.

Welcome to internet it's troll trolling trolls.

this is one of the last places where free speech cannot be silenced. As such there is a massive effort to flood this board with posts that support the narrative that maintains the status quo.

this, when I was first a young newfag I would get absolutely BTFO by everyone on Any Forums as they joined in to prove my stupid opinions wrong, now I know when I don't know something shut the fuck up a listen but if I know I'm right I go for the kill.

I make my point and then run for the hills, ha

You need everyone else to do your thinking for you? There are posters here from every corner of the world and all walks of life, what the fuck are you doing coming here for consensus?

I don’t want that. I want a coalition of like minded individuals who support what I believe in and who I can follow until the very end. Not a bunch of shills, glowies, and other miscreants clouding the dialogue.