Why didn't he drain the swamp?

Just what the fuck was this fat orange dotard doing while in office besides playing golf on the taxpayer's dime?

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He gave lots of money to Israel.

How could he drain the swamp when his cabinet was full of it

Q said he needs more time. Trust the plan.

He is the swamp

We don't talk about that here dude. We don't reflect on the past here


giving money to israel

It's honestly amazing the MIGAs can't admit they were grifted. People on the left had no problem acknowledging Obama was fake and gay, within a year after his second term

It's not like you have to say Hillary would have been better. The first step is admitting your party has a problem

This. Trump would’ve drained the swamp if his presidency was 2 weeks longer

Because he is the fucking swamp. He fucks little kids for money. They are part of the system that sold out America for their own comfort. To them winner means those who are willing to scam others and the scammed are the losers. there is a whole bunch of people like this in America. They think most of the country is subhuman.

Buying shlomo time to shoah Americans

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He didn't even clean house as much as 0bama did. As soon as 0bama got in there he fired literally every hold over from Bush.

Orange retard gets in there and he's like "muh optics. If I fire everyone then I'll be called racist and the niggers and faggots and jews will not support me."

He actually thought he was going to bribe niggers, faggots and jews with federally funded programs to reign in their globohomo. Fucking naive. Nothing short of firing every last holdover stood a chance.

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>denied knowing Stormy Daniels
>denied knowing Russia
>rambled about crowd sizes
>suggested lightbulbs and bleach for Covid
>served cold fries to guests
>hung out with Kanye
>went to North Korea and accomplished Jack shit
>held dumball rallies cause he was bored
>rambled some more about crowd sizes
>make corny claims like “if Hillary was president, oh boy imagine that…yada yada”
>238 golf trips
He had a pretty busy schedule

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OP watches CNN

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He dove into the swamp and started to sink. He was just trying to keep his head above the surface let alone drain it.

how much did he give?

So Ukraine controls the White House as Q predicted. What happens next?

lol its the same in canada, people on the left dont like trudeau either but at least hes not stephen harper LOL

Sometimes we climb a mountain only to find out

You sound like any of that is unique.

totally, the national enquirer says nostradamus predicted the apocalypse will be delayed by 2 more weeks

>hung out with Kanye
this is based though

deranged yeezy circa 2018 was great Any Forums content

he is part of the swamp

Liberals and neocons wouldn't allow it

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I don't believe that at all. He often knew just what to say, but then he also often spoke like an uneducated moron too, it was always a toss-up. I didn't trust Trust at all because of his jewish connections, one of his very biggest campaign contributors was Sheldon Adelson who was very jewish and very wealthy until he had a heart attack watching how January 6th unfolded. The first thing Trump did as president was go to Jerusalem in Israel and pray at the Wailing Wall in a jewish yamaka, then he also moved our embassy to Jerusalem. Then, he appointed the jewish Jared Kushner as senior advisor at the White House who represented Trump as his personal liaison to a bunch of foreign countries for the duration of his presidency. Trump's own daughter Ivanka married Kushner, then she converted to judaism. Trumps grandkids are also now jewish. And all of this while the pretenders got together in Charlottesville carrying fucking tiki torches and chanting "the jews will not replace us", they noticed none that shit whatsoever. That was a stupid shitshow. I think Trump's real track record speaks for itself. I'm definitely not a Democrat, but i'll never trust Republicans again until the GOP accepts some blame for putting that embarrassing asshole into office. Trump was a fucking douchebag.

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Because he loves wikileaks while campaigning and he says he doesn't know anything about it and it isn't his thing when he became president. Isn't it weird how Epstein was murdered while he was president and he didn't tweet about that at all?


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>Q said he needs more time. Trust the plan.

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He became the jew, he became the swamp

>The first step is admitting your party has a problem

The GOP is the personification of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

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Fucking TOP KEK hahahahahahahaha

30 trillion US dollars

atleast you got that wall build!

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He is a billionaire
> Was an actor
> Had appearance in WWE
> Dated supermodels, married one

List goes on and on

He solely become president just to have that cherry on the top of his life cake. He never cared about USA, he just wanted his ego boosted out of typical boredom, that suffers every person who can afford anything on the planet

> Because he is the fucking swamp.
> He fucks little kids for money.
> They are part of the system that sold out America for their own comfort.
> To them winner means those who are willing to scam others and the scammed are the losers.
> there is a whole bunch of people like this in America.

It's also why Trump never helped those who supported him, from his supporters being physically beaten to the deplatforming to the Antifa/BLM riots... Trump refused to even raise a finger.
History will unironically record that Orange Man was indeed Bad.
"I am become Trudeau, destroyer of nations!" — Donald Trump, probably.

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source? cant find anything, all i see is trump bragging about moving the embassy and a failed senate bill, and some agreement obama signed in 2016 to provide israel with 3.8billion a year for 10 years

the president doesn't appropriate money, the congress does