I feel like everyone has become stupid

I am not exactly a smart person but all of a sudden i seem to be only of the only people left on earth that can think for themselves.
Everyone even all my friends change their opinions based on what MSM tells them a few times per week.

Insanity, Did the vaccine remove peoples ability to think for themselves???
Or is this just classic demoralization?

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you are just more aware than them

It's doing my head in, i am fucking sick of everyone i can't stand to be around such fucking morons.

no, you're just ingesting the next redpill: Any Forums is a containment board for counter normies, they are just as brain dead as the normie, but for the inverse position. It's pretty gay. Rational critical thinking people are btfo'd again; we will never find our Mecca. We are doomed to wander the earth in isolation, seeing but unable to speak. Fighting in vain against the tide of lies. We are here only to observe the extinction, nothing more. Reality is our kidnapper.

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most people don't care about anything except coping and being comfy. they cannot even be bothered to entertain complex or interesting notions. couple that with their identity issues and feeling right about everything willing to go knock down drag out lengths to "prove their superior" or whatever, and with most people, it is generally more harmful to have interaction with them than to just avoid them.

Sounds to me like you’re a schizophrenic incel. Please kill yourself.

It's easier to comply than to resist.
The nail that sticks up gets hammered down. Nevermind the fact that all nails get hammered eventually.
So to an NPC, they just don't want to be hammered down first or now.

You're just an isolated loser that fills your brain with foreign psyops. You're not an independent or creative thinker at all, you're basically a willing host for some Chinese or Russian color revolution. You're no different than some Arab in the middle east that bit the CIA Arab Spring pill.
I assume your ""friends"" (no doubt you're just an asocial sperg that has no friends) are mostly normal, well put together Australians and you should talk to them more.

Stay mad seppo, Prostitution is legal and affordable in Australia, also the age of consent is 16, gonna cry?

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I just feel like punching a nazis. Care try try a 3rd world war Adolf. Bring it on.

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yeah, everyone seems to have lost their ability to think. so i just kind of gave up explaining to anything and just eat healthy and exercise. trying to learn how to trap now that i got a field knife. i have no hope for the industrial world anymore and plan to just become an (post)urban druid.

It's over. Just fuck around and have fun. Dead world.

Go to Ukraine, mr. tough troon.

I'll give you a hint: When people don't know about something, they'll repeat the news they heard so that they can hear your counter-response.

It's a safe way for them to learn what's true and what's appropriate to say

Everyone has adopted a ultra-nationalist command economy strategy for running the countries however they are keen to divorce themselves From its origins

They try to find separation in promotion of homosexuality promotion of Judaism or promotion of bolsfic Ideas

I think the vaccine is a part for sure, but it goes deeper. You're right though, people have lost their souls and autonomy. It's scary stuff. People have always been like this but to a far lesser extend than now.

could it be that most people are overwhelmed with the complexity and deluge of information? they just crumple into a fear state, not knowing what to believe. how do we even know what's true anymore in this information war?

Fluoride and toxic seed oils are a hell of a drug.

Pesticides as well, Pesticides are used right beside water sources in every country worldwide, Atrazine especially is extremely harmful.

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feel ya crocodile dundee. i am by no means pro russian side its a turdworld shithole and russians are basically africans... that being said the sudden nonstop shilling on msm i think its even beyond trump election levels normies live in a complete cartoon world... just how they went from pacifists to wwiii war mongers within a day... majority of people are really just automatons that repeat everything they are told "the majority" supports

A full-force mass media push is an awesome thing (in the true sense of the word; it provokes awe). It overwhelms the normie mind almost completely.

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found the vaxxie

>I feel like everyone has become stupid

Yourself included.