Why are zoomers killing themselves?

Why are zoomers killing themselves?

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I'm sure being told your race is at fault for all the ills of the world has nothing to do with it.

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I tried to commit suicide because my parents were abusing me.

I realised it was a mistake because instead of trying twice, I sat back and watched my parents get old. Right now my dad is stacking wood, I'm watching him from the top of the hill. I wonder if his spine will break soon, or if he even has one. Vaxxoid scum.

Jews and Niggers will be sooooooooo happy.

Bountiful Utah is a desert shit hole. Cedar City Chads rise up

Because they are terminally online, weak, unskilled, sexually degenerate, socially retarded faggots who are facing the absolute crisis that is our ruined climate and our simultaneous crippling lack of resources.

they're smarter than the previous generations

I don't get how you can kill yourself when anime exists.

You never hear about blacks and spics giving up.

Deaths started spiking during the shutdown.

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Bountiful is literally next to the Great Salt Lake you fucking retard. Cedar City is more of a desert. Everything south of
Provo is basically desert hicks and mormoniggers

we all grew up in a bubble without smartphones.
these zoomers are realizing the world is shit from age 5

Social media is cancer and needs to be banned.

Suicide rates in underdeveloped countries are almost nonexistent...so you tell me.

fucking kek

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Most boomer and gen x parents secretly hate their kids

I don't blame them. Boomer have left millennials like me with very little. And we just ate up the rest. There is nothing for zoomers.


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Suicide is the ultimate natural selection for the weak. If there is an overabundance of suicides then it's indicative of an influx of weak men in this generation.


Lockdowns and economic uncertainty will do that.

Cause they live useless lives that will never amount to anything because of the clownworld dooming them.

I ain't wastin' no more time~

Suicide has always a selfish thing to do and it’s usually done by single people. If you’re an Afghan farmer who kills himself then your wife who can’t work and your 5 kids will starve to death.

Suicide is painless.

>You my mad dog skeetskeet died bruh. I be mad feelin for real for real
>Like and hit that bell for more updates to this craziness
>Thank you for the 5 dollars. I'll floss for you real quick jessibell469. That one's for you.

they don't suffer from depression or low self esteem, you need functioning frontal lobes for that

Because it's working.

For the wages of sin is death

That's okay, it's not a secret anymore. Every day they struggle more. Dad can't seem to catch his breath and has started guzzling cola like a literal demenita patent. Mum is falling down and getting dizzy, she can't even drive. These people were abusive to me and now I live on a hill where I can watch them suffer.

You can do this to. Just have faith in yourself and never in another human being not even one time. They are all selfish.

Jewish D&C generation flamers, their most successful online ploy

They lost the most formative, free years of their lives so an eighty year old can can wheeze for a couple more months.

sometimes eating the bullet doesnt do the job. then you'll know what real pain feels like

They just stop giving a shit and do something so antisocial or violent that someone kills them

>Why are zoomers killing themselves?
Gee, I dunno.

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And moreover there is no absolution for the sin of being white. No matter how low you cuck yourself and how much you stoop, you will still always wear your guilt on your skin. Of course they want to die, society hates them.


It was inevitable and it's only going to get worse. Modern society is poison to a vast majority of people except for schizo autists, recluses, and psychopaths. There is no worse time in history to be a normie than today.

If you had to google that you're doomed from the start lmao.

Fair point, white kids get bullied a lot in majority minority schools.

Life sucks and is unpredictable and you have to deal with the shitty pressure everyone puts on you. If you don't contribute anything to this world your best bet is living confortable while better people surpass you and realize how insignificant you are. If you're not strong enough to take it then you will be washed away like the majority of the people in this shitty world. I wouldnt be surprised if someone suicides over this thought. Life is fucking hell

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I went snowboarding at Brian Head in January. Cedar City seemed like a pretty cool town.


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user, you have to find someone to share your life with. The best revenge is giving to your children what your shit parents didnt give to you -- proper love

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This. I just watched Darling in the Franxx and I literally no longer want to die.

Leftoids believe the more guilt they carry the stronger they are as people. They'll straight-up tell you this to your face. Perverse.

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many years ago i had a vision of mass suicides among people unable to cope with the true horror of reality. This was before most of them will probably die from the VAIDS.

Nah if you look into it you'll see you are incorrect

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kys you DSA scum meet in the burger King in PROVO

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The youth rate of suicide and mental illness has been increasing every year since 2007 and GEE I WONDER WHAT HAPPENED THAT YEAR?


Not his problem

>most Zoomers are weak
>They know the world is fucked and so is their future
>Can't handle it
>Give up

his hair is long in case there's a role that requires such a thing. truly a dedicated actor

Mormons sounding off on Any Forums
Your elder approve?

WhY aRe AmErIcAnS dEpR33sSeD


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Cause not only is the world shitty men are being blamed constantly. Not only that but then men are shamed into not being men. We aren't telling them to be strong and man up anymore because that's "toxic" and now you have men that feel like they can't stand up for themselves and exert their will to power. Which is what men are meant to do. Without that man's purpose is gone and it leads to depression

It's because of hypergamy 100%

Its because everything about this society is INHERENTLY SHIT and treats them like they are worse SHIT to step on

Yup. That's original sin, mate. You can't absolve yourself, but you're expected to put the effort in as if you could.
It's just been written into the white condition instead of the human condition.

I unironically feel so bad for zoomer americans like the kid in picrel. A white boy in the US has no chance, he's vilified and made to apologize since he was born, he can make only very few friends, as socializing with girls can be offensive and he may end up insulting someone in some way which will be archived and cancel his entire life. Every social interaction will be strained, because it must be faultless every time, or his life is ruined and he's unemployable. He can't have sex, women won't have him for being below the top % of attractiveness or ethnic. If he does, he'll always fry his nogging wondering if she'll sue him for assault or rape, because maybe she didn't REALLY really want to. Nobody will ever hear his side, on anything, he's always alone. He has no community to turn it, it's all fragmented and broken on purpose. He's lonely, isolated, unable to interact with people on the most basic level, he cannot work, he has no prospects about his future and his past is a reason for shame.

I can see why they all blow their brains out like that, or out of sheer desperation for warmth, community or friends, allow themselves to be discord groomed into trannies or whatever is the fotm. No way out, in any facet of his life, no one to turn to. Inhuman.

It really doesn't have to be like that, I honestly wish I could bring them to brazil and just be a friend to them. This country might be a violent shithole, but it doesn't destroy your soul or the human spirit, it enshrines it, as best as it can, and heals the heart. I've rented a vacation home to you gringos, giving discounts to people that are visibly stressed or fucked (friends of friends, etc). The result is always the same, it's like their spirit is cleansed, renewed. They have joy and life back in their eyes. Because over here our main priority as people is being happy, that's why nothing ever gets done. But that has its upside too. We ARE happy, content. It's why none of our problems get fixed. I'm so sorry.

Smarter as in what? Collecting useless trivial information and schizo beliefs from being on internet 24/7 but not having a tenth of life skill that dumber generations had before them?

Fuck all you. Ogden is wheres its at. Far away from the shit hole that is SLC. Dont deal with many mormons, as far as I can tell. Been here a year and never heard a single mention about Mormons except from my senpai back in Cali. As a Cali native I fucking love Utah tho, I can finally own guns. :)

This is from the new Disney production, Anti-stasia.

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It is because the school systems teach the children that they are worthless ape specs in the universe with no purpose or hope other than to do what they're told, then get some temporary pleasure, then die. For no other reason than ?????
We have forgotten what made the European man so mighty, we have forgotten when made us so prosperous. The second we threw God's word away we doomed our nations.

If you are a young man and suicidal, young boy even... Don't worry, there is hope. I'm not saying you have to get saved right this moment, i wish you would, but just KNOW, that there IS hope, there IS purpose to all this, these vain satanists don't want you to believe it, but you have to realize you've been lied to.

Even i as a saved man can get suicidal, it's a tough world, the Bible said even us saved would suffer, it is neccesary. But i know that whatever happens, i am safe with the Lord Jesus. How do you think our ancestors were able to reach such great feats? They had unmovable assurance and faith, they were saved, and they moved with courage in the Lord, and the Lord ENLARGED them, and blessed them.

>Genesis 9:27 KJV
God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.

What is the purpose of life?
To know your creator, the one whom made your soul, and knew you in the womb.

>Colossians 1:16-17 KJV
16 For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:
17 And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

We all serve something, what do you serve, person reading this? We all fear something, what do you fear, person reading this?
The man then with understanding, will fear the Lord, get saved, then serve him...

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I feel bad for zoomers. They will never know what the world used to be like. The world used to have SOVL. It is insane how quickly the world lost its soul. Even in video games it is apparent. Compare Warcraft 3 (2002), a soul-filled game, to WC3 Reforged or Vanilla WoW to Shadowlands. Compare Black Ops, to Vanguard. Compare Ocarina of Time, to BOTW. In videogames alone its apparent that none of the developers have any soul. Yeah "muh vidya" but this same shit effects all areas of culture, including architecture and car designs and social behavior. Take a popular car model (like a Honda Civic) and you can see the soul die over time. Most cars look 99% the same these days. And people used to live in the world, now they live in a 5.5 inch black slate. I almost never seen any real, lively conversation anymore.
Overall I think the real reason everything seems soulless is due to the destruction of masculinity. Mascunity is the Adamic spirit, the image of the Creator, which has been completely lost in the last three decades, to the point many can no longer even recognize that men are men and women are women.
To a zoomer it would be hard to see any value in a gray, soulless existence. The world has no vitality so why should they?

I haven't killed myself because I hate leftists more than I hate my own life. It is a blearingly extreme, overwhelming and pure hatred.

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Mormons are cool user. They're all preppers and family oriented. They also seem to believe that the biblical Cain was turned into big foot and he lives up in the mountains in Utah. Great people.

>Why are zoomers killing themselves?
They are the participation trophy generation. They cant handle the real world, where we don't say "good job" when they fuck up.

You just proved his point
