What the hell happened?

What the hell happened?

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>What the hell happened?
They are faking weakness to subdue the enemy into thinking they have won and letting down their guard.

Just like the last three time you posted it; the difference between needed to fight (top) and having already whooped ass and needed to resupply (bottom).

Saged and hidden.

If you have gigantic losses and economic collapse, you won.

Oh you know

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Corruption, Godlessness, Indulgence in the 7 deadly sins.

But they don't have gigantic losses, and their economy hasn't collapsed.

Retards like you would have me believe Ukraine has just about finished their encirclement of Moscow. The shit spewing from your mouth is unending.

I did not know you need milspec utility vehicles to win, instead of commandeering civilian ones. Let's notify the Taliban, Al Shabaab, Chad, and many other military organizations and countries that they have lost, simply because of the form of vehicles that they have used.

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You're cringe, bro.
KYS, bro.

You SERIOUS? Most generous estimates give Russia 3 thousand dead and thousands of vehicles destroyed ETC ETC.
This isn’t serious loses because why? Because it just isn’t?
Now when you say the Russian economy hasn’t collapsed what the fuck are you talking about,? They refuse to reopen the stock market because it’s dead. The ruble is now worth less than an American CENT and a ROBUX.
Not to mention a Russian state Duma representative said on live television that if the sanctions don’t stop and get better they might not stop at Ukraine and a Russian senator said she had reports of units that had only 4 out of 100 come back alive LIVE ON TELEVISION.

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Somebody add "They are just pretending to be a shitty military for the first 3 weeks of this war" to this meme.

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Wtf is this?dragon ball z?

Know one believes you and you sound desperate!

Technically the economy has not yet collapsed. Russia has closed the Moscow Stock Exchange since the first day of the war. Putin is too scared to open the markets.

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It will be glorious, if you look at the indicator stocks they will have a 75-85% drop when they decide to open

All will be well in the end. The world will see.

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Godspeed, nigger convoy.

>real life is not video games

color me surprised

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While I prefer Musashi overall, Sun Tzu is also acceptable.

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Everyone called me mad... but!

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>What the hell happened?

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It wouldn't surprise me seeing as it is in the art of war. Maybe they want to bait USA into actually attacking and then btfoing the troops ezpz.

NEW Russian Invasion Themes
>Ukrainian band plays dont worry be happy
>Ukrainians blow up russian tank
>Drone hits russian armored vehicle
>War Cum Compilation
>Ukrainian Insurgency Theme
>Tanks ambushed

Cope harder

They posted a pretty bad ass invasion video today

because unironically tankies are retarded

For your entire lives as armchair historians, you've all been fed this narrative of "the stronk red army" of russia even though in terms of military technology, they've been far behind

if you've been watching advancements of the russian military over the past 10 years you'd realize russia's army is pure dog shit in the modern day, and soon to be overtaken by China

in fact, Russia has fucked up so much that fucking China has started to question it's own military tech that they bought from russia, and has re-allocated funding into its own military development to become more independent of russia's military complex

>b..but muh BRICS

you're so fucking stupid if you think russia, china, and india, three countries that routinely compete with eachother militarily and economically, would ever work together. Literally all 3 of these countries are contesting land with eachother right now, and you really think they'll just magically work together?


What is this pig American nigger shit? Where's the accordions?

You underestimate greatly how influencial American music is.

It was just a larp. Everyone knows Russia was and is a meme.