Murdoch Murdoch

We need new episodes there is more than ever
> Russia
> Joe Biden
> Jew Floid
> Coof
> Pete Davidson
> Anne frank

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Other urls found in this thread:

go spam your kike commie cartoon on gab faggot

Attached: 4chan compromised moarpheus murdoch 1.jpg (1826x938, 207.01K)

imagine unironically watching this shit

They arnt sending their best.

videos on private lmao you might be onto something

yeah waiting months to consoom 5 minutes of le based low effort cartoon is totally saving muh white race

>bro my epicly based trad cath rageface comics brooooo

They have personal stuff going on apparently.

MM has just finished a book.

Who said it was?

Tbh didn't see the kekistan flag. Decent troll.

imagine unironically posting this shit with a meme flag. what a faggot.

better ?

Well VivziePop is about to finish an animated season.

Attached: Screenshot_20220307-233946_YouTube.jpg (457x263, 95.54K)

LOL! They already showed distinctly asian-phile attitudes in their material and I've listened to their AMAs where they were also pretty yellow fever and lenient on racemixing. They really aren't what people think they are. It's all just larp or glow. Lots of these people turn out to be racemixed or have asian wives or are jewish. It's pretty funny how often that comes true.

I miss them. She is the Queen of Any Forums

i remember back in the day there were multiple indentity europa/alt-right guys that turned out to all have black and asian gfs lol

It's something that plagued the previous generation of wn and that general sphere. The biggest flaw of that scene is the lack of standards and attempts to clean house and keep it clean. They accept and turn a blind eye to clowns and criminals too often. Someone says something edgy and the audiences and paypigs almost deliberately avoid finding out anything potentially negative as they need an e-daddy and don't want another disappointment.

It's not to say they're all bad, but the good ones aren't part of the main online circus either (or offline entirely) deliebrately or because the circlejerks and astroturf keep them out.

Some of these clowns are still around even now doing their thing. The ride never ends.

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I guess Mossad cut their budget, was some fun content, a little too much D&C shilling.

It has its moments.


Channel name?

Please come back MM

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Agreed. The faggy book release was bullshit.
They reached their current peak with Guardian of the Rune. That was fucking amazing.
More is needed.

murdoch murdoch is an american treasure. Kill yourself shill faggots.

Kill yourself faggot.

>Ukrainian band plays dont worry be happy
>Ukrainians blow up russian tank
>Drone hits russian armored vehicle
>War Cum Compilation
>Ukraine War Theme
NEW Tanks ambushed

Attached: output_image1645400758079.jpg (1080x1229, 350.46K)

The only Offical show of Any Forums is Centricide by JrEg

Attached: Bad.png (720x900, 626.9K)

This is now a JrEg thread

Attached: Anarcho-Monarchist.png (720x900, 577.88K)

No. Looking foward to your cope overdose when you get disappointed by yet another e-daddy that turns out to be a racemixing larper, not even white, secret jew, jew family, tranny lover, absurd degenerate, outright criminal drug dealer or rapist, glowie playing you like a fiddle, etc.

Every time these things get busted about 90% of people just melt away and pretend they never fell for it. Never got the guts to even talk about it or admit they were wrong before they leap into bed with the next e-daddy to start the cycle over It's hilarious. The rest are so delusional they still cling on regardless, like the kind of retards who unironically post and link to stormfront and still supporting all the other disgraced freaks. Some people are beyond help.

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Was actually better produced and researched than anything MM did and more honest than most out there too. He was clearly an outsider but spent time on doing his best on it and trying to understand things. Wasn't just the usual mainstream views. Was a fun journey following it all.

Some of those tunes were awesome. "Welcome to Ancapistan" was worth listening to.