RU UN document drop here, from yesterday

These came from this Tweet

Tweet leads here

Every link in every folder is translated to English and in the original Russian.
Some are absolutely unredeable.
Pic unrelated

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what puzzles me is that people take the word of 'british generals' for expert as if they know what the f they're talking about outside of hearing the lies and propaganda from the mouths of their ukrainian counterparts

It doesn't puzzle me at all people have been brainwashed by their regimes to only trust their experts, cult like

Having said that I didn't add biolab gate to the subject so I expect this to fail. I'll repost when it archives


Good stuff

All of these need converting. Some are in the weirdest of fucking formats. Some unredeable.
But there are here, UN saw them and so can we.
Yeah, it may be pure propaganda but I want to see them anyway

what do you expect when the entire populace gets their information from MSM and Reddit. Once the CIA took control over all the information outlets the minds of the people belong to them. Same thing happened in Soviet Russia.

Yuri Bezmenov said "You were not able to subvert soviet citizens because the newpaper was collected and thrown into the garbage."

But in the US and the rest of the pozzed west they don't need to collect the newspapers from stands. they own and control the paper itself. And what's worse is they have created faux public forums (reddit) where they have their mods running all the major subs. even if you start a sub and it gets popular they will find a way to oust you and put one of their mods into power. Or just shadow ban you entirely. They can do whatever they feel best silences you.

That leaves fringe websites like Any Forums etc which most people don't know about. so you end up with a small portion of the populace that actually have access to real information. Everyone else is just living under the propaganda and regurgitating it.

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Well in light of this board being taken over I am not expecting much. I'll publish these on Twatter too.
O will spread the word. This is all I can do desu

you are the NPC

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Any Forums isn't free of glowies, I spotted a dozen in this thread. Any Forums is the wild west for glow niggers

were did you get the information that russia doesn't want to be there? reddit? western media? lol. Or the captured and tortured russian soldiers that literally say anything because a gun has been put to their heads?


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I just can’t believe that at one point I thought that every news outlet agreeing on something meant that it must be REALLY true and REALLY important. Thankfully I was over that before I was old enough to buy a beer but still. It could have gone another way.

you can always spot the tranny

This is true but they don't actually control this website. The do control cloudflare though. My guess is they aren't too worried about this place because as i said above there's only a relatively small number of people that know about this place. information warfare is a numbers game. they don't need everyone to be propagandized. just enough that they can control most of the minds and publicly accepted opinion. If somehow this place became as popular as reddit they would quickly shut it down. Whatever jap is running it would probably have some bizarre "accident".

lazy meme with a crypto-tranny memeflag commonly used by anglo-troon seethposters; aka Catalunya. DIALATE WHILE YOU SEETHEPOST ON REDDLIT MORE FAGGOT or better yet, free yourself from the pain and take a good russian downvote in the field.

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Correct. They can only emulate being a woman. Cheap copies like the memes they change for their propaganda.

I supported Ukraine before SARS-COV-2 was released by China.

Shills think they can recreate Any Forums memes without being deeply ingrained in the memetics and language of the board. Your memes look exactly like the memes of someone who is trying to blend in but failing miserably due to a very shallow understanding of what makes Any Forums tick.
Most of the people here are smarter than you

Post screencaps of the documents in here.

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Ah, coped harded I see?

>If you are a free thinking individual, you will not have this simplified opinion in my false dichotomy worldview

I was the same for a long time. Then it became too suspect. What woke me up to the psyop is just being a former redditor. I noticed once i started questioning the narratives i would be downvoted and my comments would be removed. i knew at that point something was up.

All information sources must be put into question. we must fight against the psyop. question all media. question everything. the only way you can truly be taken advantage of by them is by taking all the info at face value.

Remember this is an information war. You are already under attack.

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And how increase this site and avoid a big ban after that?

People who want to know the Truth always find it eventually.