Just a reminder

India has the world's largest magnet

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>being developed

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>Being developed
But why?

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"developing" makes you sound like an insect

What harm could it possibly cause?

Nigger why don't they develop some plumbing

what are they gonna do with it? is the poop on the streets magnetic?

Leafland has the world’s largest paperclip

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shit magnet

But how does it work?

It'll suck aircraft out of the air

hmm i wonder what it is made of...haha

oh fuck. im sorry pajeet!! please dont redeem the magnet. i sorry i called you very disrespectful things sir!

I don't see you developing one

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These Pajeepes are swaying me! I start to find Indians wholesome!


looks like a big poo

kindly do the needful sirs

You sound disapproving of their insect ways

Man of culture

>build magnet
>pull in asteroid


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The Earth itself is already the world's largest magnet

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it can be used to pick the worlds largest lock, which is protecting the worlds largest.....

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They're going to magnetize all that bob and vegene we've been hearing about.

>he says to the people with cold fusion reactors and Hadron colliders


Imagine putting a guy in steel plate armor, then throwing into a room with this thing.

Good morning,sirs


How do magnets work though? I don't think anyone knows.

Thousands of birds have been pulled into it

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France needs it

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Based crows

Dumb bitch tipped the fruit over

Not when india finishes developing their magnet they wont

French tokamak project.

I just imagined that and chuckled

Based crows know solar is bullshit

>t. negative IQ

Whats the point of it?

Crows are extremely smart birds

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heeb poo must differ from human poo

Kek you took that pic from me. I gave it that filename. Cheers bro. I'd love me some picnic booba.

many industrial applications involving weight, pressure for precise measurements or bonding, as well as rape

>Retards dont know about fusion

Good luck india bros, hope infinite energy helps with your toilet problem

just a reminder i have the worlds largest penis

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supremely based crows

faggot goy falcons need to be gassed

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I have an Indian buddy who sends me these pepes, funny bastards.

okay, that was pretty funny. Canadians on suicide watch.

Does it attract subhumans? Because that would explain that country.