I have always felt i would change the course of human history

Im 32 now and have achieved nothing. Just collected debt. There is something in me though, when i speak or write to large crowds. But it only comes very sporadically, i have no control over it.

Was it delusion of grandeur? Schizofrenia?
The funny thing is, i still unirionically feel this.
Should i tell myself its all bs?

AMA i guess

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enlist in the military and attack a russian embassy
be the international incident you've always meant to be

>Green eyes spotted

>I have delusions of grandeur
Yes user, we all do. Welcome to it.

Attached: KamalaPhilosopher.jpg (680x680, 62.16K)

You're in globohomo Europe.
All it takes is one shot.

Have you considered speaking to crowds in the local beer parlours?

>Was it delusion of grandeur?
Yes, but you can test it by preaching the gospel in the park and drawing large crowds to Christ.

How would you know that. I ask because it's true

That's just how schizo works. Everyone has a bit of it to cope with reality.

Green eyes tend towards the Mysitc/Magi caste. The teachers of wisdom (as opposed to the teachers of knowledge).

what is with you fuckin trashy polax russia bad, German bad? is it because youre infeated with jews? please explain

idk man, i just want the world to burn in a nuclear fire

Make a YT channel for a specific target group.

maybe you have
how would you know?

Start a YouTube show.

Well, maybe you won't change the course of human history, but you certainly won't do anything with your talent if you don't study and evolve.

Work on it every day before you come here and complain.

What's your plan?

This is not your AMA, we're asking you the questions.

I poo'd 3 times today

full ones


Good question. I dont. But i feel like i havent yet. It makes me incredibly sad. Not for myself. But for the fact that due to my inaction something that should happen is not happening
for which target group?
i dont have a plan. I feel any plan i would come up with myself is the wrong plan by default

This. I was always convinced that I'd be filthy rich one day.
I'm still only moderately grubby at 50.

Gay. At least I try to pass relevant information around while you are being a jew.

>go to Ukraine
>start falseflags on your own to accuse Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, NATO, USA - pretty much everyone
>do provocations left and right
>attack everyone, shoot on NATO from Ukrainian side, from Russian side
>situation escalates

I will tell you this. I am a watchtower, on top of a high hill. Its used as a landmark and it oversees a lot. My name is very ancient and means this. There is a symbol for my name but i wont post it because i will dox myself by doing so.