Those were the days

All In The Family was the best show of all time. I remember watching it when I was a kid and laughed my ass off. Now that I'm older I have no idea what I was laughing at back then because now I actually understand the direction and display it proposed. Its not very accessible today because the kikes want to bury this masterpiece of a series. Archie is the epitome of the real American father and what every man should aspire to become.

>calls out the Jew
>despises niggers
>protects family
>speaks mind blatantly
>has a job
>treats his wife like a wife should be treated
>hates pollocks

What would happen if this was aired on network television today?

Attached: MV5BMjEyOTExMDA5OF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNjM2NjQ3Mg@@._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg (975x1114, 188.48K)

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It's a reference to incest

Devon Stack of Blackedpilled did a deep dive on it.

Why do I always see the most attractive white women in sexual relationships with average looking Black men? Honest, I go downtown and barely see any white x white couples, just white women with Black men. Its just so unfair bros. Is it the Jews?

just watch some modern Brit humor, they literally still sneak in blackface

Everyone involved in that show, including Carroll O'Connor who played Archie, were raging liberals and thought the show would show everyone how conservatives are evil and leftists are good. Things didn't work out that way but once the shekels started flowing in, they didn't want to change it.

Move out of Toronto.

it was made by the jew to make fun of the socially disgusting archie and american way. propaganda.

Attached: 1647117472274.jpg (483x331, 40.2K)

You've never even watched it then if you think that.

It was obviously a blue pilled show, but it shows a huge change in how society viewed things back then that people could still laugh at Archie and love him like your kooky old grandpa even if they abhorred his views. Nowadays he would be seen on the same level as Hitler or a pedophile by the left.

Attached: Archie.jpg (400x300, 24.13K)

>Basically an aggressive fucked up jew mocking working class Whites.

Many such cases.



He's correct. That was the intent but then everyone loved Archie instead of hating him like they intended. Go watch interviews with Normal Lear or Carroll O'Connor. But are very open about their intent with Archie Bunker character and the show.

Kinda reminds me of Parks&Rec how turbo-feminist-but-quirky Amy was supposed to be the big draw of the show, but everyone preferred watching based Ron Swanson instead.

Norman Leer is a dirty JEW who wrote archie as a flawed character "who was afraid of progress" the whole thing is a parody of society to break it down


Is that program any good? I've heard mixed reviews.

Happens quite a bit. Leftists are too out of touch with even normies so they create right wing characters they would hate and then are shocked when people like them. Stephen Cobert did the same thing with The Cobert Report, which was meant to mock right wing talk show hosts but people ended up loving the Stephen Cobert character much to the horror Stephen Cobert the actor. He used the character to mock conservative views but most people took it to be humor about how those views are misrepresented. The left didn't get this so they laughed at the jokes straight up as the mockery it was intended to be. A "laughing with" vs "laughing at" situation.