Explain yourselves, burgermutts

Explain yourselves, burgermutts

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vladimir putin died ten years ago and there was never any such place called ukraine. the black sea is three times larger than you retards believe it to be.

I can't wait until Russia tries to drop a nuke on Ukraine and it fails

After that, NATO will be able to confidently open a can of whoop ass on manlet Putin and bring freedom and democracy to russia. Just like the Avengers.

russiaboos and kremlin gremlin troll farm shills can get fucked

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He shouldnt be cancelled but Mearsheimer is such a brain dead retard. It would be easy to absolutely dunk on him. Why are students actually afraid of debating retards.

typical mutt replies

if they're going after a prof for receiving foreign money they're opening a box they may wish they hadn't.

So what did happen in 2014?

Cancel culture is all they know. They cannot debate, they simply shout, scream and cry to cover up any conversation.

proof that "europe" even exists? my whole family was born in america. i've never seen a "europe" all i've seen is mountains to the north, mexicans to the south, oceans to the east and west. no "europe" anywhere. also i went to hawaii once and didnt see any china or japan it was just fat samoans everywhere. not a flat earther btw, just a critical thinker

burgermutts are currently being bombed kek

he wrote this book too

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Cope harder you tiny penis leftard faggot

I remember that coup in 2014.
Now it's a conspiracy theory?
We're not even at Orwellian.
Nothing even matters anymore.
You can say anything and it's either right or wrong depending on if a leftist says it or if you say it.
"Celebration parallax."
We can't live like this for much longer.

students aren't taught or encouraged to think anymore
they are there to memorize and regurgitate whatever they're indoctrinated with

I hope they do

what does that even fucking mean?

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americans aren't people

Brainlets aren't just a meme, they're real people here

Kill yourself direction brain

Holy shit, I'm a person who has to deal with actual ukr refugees and i'm not even 1/10 as rabid as people on the other side of the globe. The media really perfected the art of manipulating npcs.

They accuse him of worshipping Putin the same way they worship Zelensky

America is a decaying zombie. And it's being fucked in its rotting ass.

Feels before reason.
That's the snownigger mentality, from which the murdermutts mostly descend, and by which they have educated their time-gone slaves.
Add in the mix, the corporation further ""educating"" their serfs to be extra stupid and sentimental, and this is the result.
Obedient drones, self-policing their own servitude.

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>Anti-ukrainian ideology
Excuse me what the fuck

>left good, right bad
It means whatever they need it to mean in the moment.

Mearsheimer is based and you are a retarded liberal. Go suck Fukuyama's cock some more.

When are these faggots from other boards ever going to learn? You cannot pysop Any Forums. Keep trying young, because you’re going to get absolutely crushed by redpills and ultimately absorbed, ending up just like all of us.

I invite you to stay for a while and have your psyche obliterated and rebuilt in my image. Nigger.

I literally remember watching the events surrounding the 2014 coup. Now it's deemed "fake news".

This level of Gaslighting can only be stopped by putting bullets through the bodies of people doing this.

This is beyond Orwellian now. Only the assassination of politicians can start to solve this issue.

>statements in the lecture were not substantiated by any meaningful or scholarly evidence

i'd rather be the decaying zombie than fuck a decaying zombie in the ass.
just sayin

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>disinformation that there was a coup in 2014

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just realized
>University of Chicago
basically ground zero for neoliberalism, I guess we shouldn't be surprised

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serbs help us out
lets get the party started

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Don't give a fuck about Russia or Ukraine. Never will.

there was a coup in 2014...