Name a bigger traitor

Name a bigger traitor

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are you posting this with a gun to your head

Im not sure whos more kike now

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>moldova memeflag
can't wait until moldova is genocided


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Transnistria has no flag on Pol. What's up with that?

sure, but don't get too high

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>Stand by Russia when Stalin took Moldovan land
>Stand by Russia during the Transnistrian war
>Stand by Russia when Putin bombed Georgia
>Backstab Russia to suck NATO's cock

Jewkraine participated in the dismemberment of Eastern Europe under Stalin and Putin for fucking centuries, now all of the sudden they feel "European" and "Western"

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FPBP, OP has a Tokarev loaded with 40 year old ammo pointed to his head.

>ill genocide you!
Incel autist take
And they never will, as they are not a real fucking country lmso

me t..

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Cringe butthurt jew rat

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I'm not pro Russia, i hate the Kremlin regime and Putin is a crossdresser fag but why should i support a country like Ukraine, that helped Russia in destroying Eastern Europe under communism, because their big bro turned on them?

I can't

Why the Poland hate in every thread? Why does everyone hate Poland so much?

We are the Christ of Europe.

The Russian shills don't appreciate Ukraine's neighbor getting concerned


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Maybe town rapist?

than what?

Poles and Finns are like hormonal women in every thread since the invasion

I cannot

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because poolacks are incredible arrogant stupid bitches.

Poles generally seem to be very abrasive and antagonistic for no reason. They hold onto grudges long after literally everyone else has moved on.

Goodbye Mykola. I will miss you.