Why are zoomers so insanely left wing and pro Globohomo?

Why are zoomers so insanely left wing and pro Globohomo?

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They've been lied to, brainwashed and psychologically attacked from birth.

They aren't. A lot of them are still disgusted by niggers and faggots.
Because that is just natural instinct.
They just aren't allowed to express their feelings like the olden days

no dad to knock the fag out of them

because if boomer conservatives can make sure they can't get any actual socialist policies passed ever, zoomers can at least annoy them by forcing them to use their catgirl pronouns in company meetings

You couldn’t be more wrong. The average white zoomer talks, walks, and acts like a nigger. They worship anything black related.

poisoned, mind raped, conditioned from birth. They never even knew the "world before"

Right wing doesnt have any coherent view wuthout religion

All young adults are what the establishment wants them to be.


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Too much time spent browsing reddit and youtube where algorithms push content to be as bland, inoffensive and inclusive as possible

Probably this.

because you touch yourself at night

Uhh, no. I take it you don’t go to parties much.

Social media, easily susceptible to the propaganda machine

Dumbness. They will learn sokn enough. Brazilian zoomers eventually learned

I work in a high school. I couldn’t possibly be around zoomers more then I currently am.

They live their entire lives online obsessed with clout and social signalling. It's impossible for an oldfag like me to relate. I don't facebook, I don't twitter, I don't instagram, I don't nothing

They've had iPads put in their hands before they were old enough to walk

I'm sure if you live and go downtown to nigger zones that is absolutely the case. You're confusing the vocal minority with the general population. Kys, kid

Bruh his hair is like an organic ball cap, you can see it casting a shadow over his eyes.

The only ones who arent absolute npcs are surprisingly smart. I swear, smart people come in waves usually.

Educational software exists.

Low test and low iq

Because they grew up in the peak era for this stuff. What we see as odd, disturbing, or subversive, they see as status quo

Record low testosterone and upbringing in extremely effeminate conditions.
Next question?

18 year old zoomer here.


They are a lot more connected to tech than previous generations and the policies on practically all social media and streaming sites is to ban and censor things that are right wing. So leftism is all they know. There is no counterculture among zoomers. All their subcultures boil down to different words for being gay

Forced accents are always so easy to identify, I can easily tell these kinds of things without fail.

I'd imagine most zoomers don't care or know anything about politics and have no awareness of globohomo yet.

People who frame everything as left v right are cancer though. No better than actual left wing retards who go around calling everything they don't like as fascist or right wing.

Propaganda and a lower iq/worse education. And im pretty sure that exposure to niggers and the stuff that (((They))) put in the food/water are a part of the reasons too

Nah, they just send em to the first strip mall martial arts gym that's trendy at the time.

1/4 are rightwing
2/4 are absolute sheep
1/4 are extremely left wing(extreme in the sense of bashing stuff)
t. Zoomer

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Because it's the socially acceptable thing to do. Most young people love to conform and it's the same for every generation.

It's just turned to eleven for zoomies because unlike past generations which, even when following global trends, were basically divided into pocket cultures but now due to everyone being online they're all the more suspectible to whatever is seen as universally acceptable, and this goes for both the children and their educators/role models/etc

God damn I hope your aren't an English teacher.

See how easy it is to make typos?

They start em young

zoomer here, its because all that zoomers do all day is mostly either browse tiktok or reddit or twitter or any kind of far left social media where any kind of right wing idea is instantly banned. this ends up in them only consuming left wing propaganda and then as a result becoming left wing and then over time they just develop into full on fucking tankies and schools arent helping by encouraging this shit. also not all of them are left wing I would say that about a quarter or so are right wing but only like 1% are natsoc. only one other person i know is natsoc out of like 100 people that ive talked to about poltiics.

60 iq

Their genes make them susceptible to propaganda

Zoomers were born and raised in globohomo, it's like asking why fish are pro ocean.