How would he have dealt with Putin?

How would he have dealt with Putin?

Attached: ronald_reagan.jpg (1200x900, 76.51K)

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he'd shit his pants and then consult the official White House fortune teller

he would probably send offensive weapons to ukraine, not just defensive ones. missiles and shit

By making it even easier for illegal immigrants to flood into our country

He would put a cowboy hat on him and tear down the great firewall of china and root out the communists in our own government, our real enemy

He would be like

>Mr Putin tear down these pipelines

And then Europe would be all like
>Nooooo we going to freeze
Then Ronnie would cowboy up tip his brim and be like
>I gotchu niggas
Bam! Texas oil drilling//gulf of mexico oil drilling non stop gas prices 1.30 a gallon

Attached: capture-20220311-140027.png (750x663, 401.45K)

>How would he have dealt with Putin?
Basically like Biden. He'd make a lot of noise while giving MILLIONS of spics amnesty.

The last widespread amnesty, signed by former President Ronald Reagan in 1986, invited a surge of immigration to the United States, allowed terrorists to stay in the country, and inflated fraud, according to a new study.

This month, President Joe Biden unveiled the details of his amnesty plan which would legalize the roughly 11 million to 22 million illegal aliens currently in the U.S., fly deported illegal aliens back to the country to receive amnesty, and increase legal immigration levels, among other things.

Reagan wouldn't have overthrown Ukraine and installed puppet kikes in the first place.
This war is literally Putin vs Obama.
Obama will lose, and be executed for war crimes.

He'd quadruple the american national debt while asking Nancy to tear down his pants

Some sort of illegal shit.

Reminder he was a piece of shit, his wife was a lush retard and his reputation will get worse and worse as time goes on.

He would trust but verify

Mr Putin, release the crack in our states

An Alzheimer contest.

Attached: 1623645737309.webm (1334x750, 2.84M)

by making it even harder for americans to arm themselves and by importing more subhumans

2014 coup would never happen.
There would be a clear line of non expansion towards Russia.
Russia would have 0% excuse for any action.
They would remain less wealthy Italy with nukes

fuck reagan

Reagan was a niggerfaggot.

Make Soviet jokes between empty threats, and then declare victory when Russia fails.

"Oh, not again. General, fire the nukes."

just drop their fucking nukes

Attached: pobrane.jpg (282x179, 10.84K)

KEK. I knew that the government was deep into occult satanic shit but god. This is just funny.

By letting a nigger fuck his wife. Biggest cuck of them all.

You guys are waking up

real #commieshit hours who tf up??


Basically a fucking puppet nigger.

goldwater shitted on him.

ronnie did ok with the contras. should have done more. somoza shitted on carter in his book.