No, no false flag

>We destroyed the BioLabs, member?

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Can we get more mo2wyjpmy Natalia anons pls

fuck off and take your wall hitting crypto-jewess with you

Attached: russian mommy kabbalah bracelet.jpg (788x1229, 188.21K)

she's ugly

Attached: nataliawakeup.webm (404x720, 2.9M)

Care to translate that into english?

Absolute Cringe Queen.

Do not believe the Russian lies, this whole bioweapons things is obvious bullshit

Your flag is hilarious.

>just some biological research labs, goyim, nothing else...

Attached: natalialaugh.png (993x735, 1004.43K)

bitches are the same no matter where they're from

She wakes up alone? It's like people want to be alone now. I understand why.

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It's a goddamn zeitgeist.

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This bot is useless. We've known about foreign gain of function labs being real since the Fauci emails. CIA must be really scared about the Russians showing the world what theyve been up to.

The fact that the rhetoric keeps flipping between biological/chemical false flags leads me to think the original operation is fubar and glowies are scrambling to come up with an alternative incident.

that doesn't even look like her wtf

Rare natalia feetpics

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life isn't fucking fair

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Not before we investigate it

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Faggot confirmed

>wakes up
>hair is perfect
>lipstick and make up on
yeah this is genuinely how she wakes up, she totally doesn't roll out of bed confused and groggy chugging down a big glass of water while slogging off to the bathroom to unload turd logs one after the other
nice house though

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>We need to develop anti-bioweapons-bioweapons.
>To do that we must first develop actual bioweapons.
>Well shit, we appear to have developed some very very expensive products here
>We need some security
What a fucking mess.
And 2005.
And Barack Obama
Wow, I'm so surprised by all this.
I fucking quit.

Attached: NataliaIsPissed.png (1004x1010, 771.59K)

into the trash it goes
would rather fuck 3/10 without tribal war paint scars than a 9/10 with

When are you going to get bored of posting the same tired shit over and over and over... like fucking virtue signalling.

Who cares about some arm tat though

Attached: nataliahoodie.jpg (1280x1280, 410.27K)

>Anti-plague stations

Like the anti plague station in Wuhan that fucked up the entire planet?

No wonder Russia wants to take them over. Ukraine is a backwards donkey fuck non-nation and the US doesnt have a good track record on their illegal over seas death labs. I hope Ivan black ops every American that goes there.