What Happens In This Part of Russia?

What if we invaded via Alaska while all of Putin’s forces are on the western front?

What’s keeping China from taking land from Russia? Especially now that Xi knows how weak Putin is.

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it's extremely cold for half the year


it's moderately cold for another three months

>What’s keeping China from taking land from Russia?
nukes, a lot of them

>Invade Russia
>Gets nuked back to stone age
>Russia also gets nuked

You can't expect open war between 2 nuclear powers these days.

That’s actually Japan user. Or it will be by the end of summer.

Snow and mosquitos.

It's an almost constantly frozen waste with little to no infrastructure. ANY army would get bogged down in it. You cant invade Russia trough it, plus it has some big mountains and you'd have partisans on your ass

Alaska invasion force massing probably.

So best hope is for global warming to take effect then we move in and take all the oil.

What’s it like on the other side of the globe? Can’t be any colder than Minnesota.

>Let's invade America!
>Cape Horn seems pretty unguarded.

>What Happens In This Part of Russia?

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I think it is colder than Minnesota, and for longer.

Nukes go boom.

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Thats where russian wakanda is, a prosperous high tech, 0 poberty, no aids, society that thrived because american imperialism didn't intervene

If china wants land from russia (which they do) they will just make Russia their economic slave to the point where they sell the land to them.

Because it's all a show, that's why Hitler didn't cut the baltic lend lease supply or went for Gibraltar etc etc

Alaskanon here, can confirm.

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This, they have already agreed to loan Russia billions to alleviate the damage from sanctions. In 20 years time when Russia can't pay they will get Siberia for free without a shot being fired.
The chinks are even better jews than the jews themselves

literlly nothing its a wasteland look on google maps

If permafrost melts, the whole place will turn into one giant swamp.

It's like fallout, but real life and really cold in the winter

Original turkey, we should send back there

You could just travel to northern Alaska to get full experience of this land. There is nothing you could want from this land unless you wish to adopt some wild indian hobo drunkard.

Sealfucking, deerfucking... should i go on?

>then we move in and take all the oil.
all you'll take is a bunch of nukes. MAD still applies.