When Ukraine wins how far into Russia should it be allowed to expand?

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Take their black sea ports

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>we wuz Kazaks n' sheeeiiit
>we wuz Polaks n' sheeeiit
>we wuz Pinchuks n' sheeeiit

Russians created it and Russians can abolish.

The map says Crimea is Russia

Ukraine is literally Putin

where is Ukraine?

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It could be a new capital for russian buisness.

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oh shit thanks leaf! I forgot the name of that place

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They were fighting for tsar before capitulation.

If this happens and hohols take territory in Slovakia i will avenge our little brother nation and rape couple of hohol women including their children. We already accepted 100 000 hohol kids and 80 000 women. We will take them as hostages and act acordingly if their men do any shit. Also Lwow is polish.

I am khokhole now

Actually they are described as rusians united with Poland during mongol occupation of russia

Where is Russia?

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that was just empire destrict based on good location and during war it was a tsar loyal region.

So if any group arbitrarily declares itself a state it becomes a state worthy of western Protection?

That wasn't an empire at full more like protection pact. Yes simular to NATO.

Stop Canada, NPC"s of the modern west aren't allowed to know history

Where is Russia?

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If they are willing to actually fight and die for it, then I think they've developed an identity.

that wasn't west balgaria lol just simular name in simular language.