Make it quite literally impossible to pay their debts by freezing their existing assets and also choking off their...

>Make it quite literally impossible to pay their debts by freezing their existing assets and also choking off their revenue

>Credit agencies cut the sovereign credit ratings to junk status

>Once Russia and Belarus inevitably default, they will be punished with much higher interest rates on borrowing for decades afterwards

>Ensure that even after Putin is gone, it will be tough to rebuild their economy if they can't finance reconstruction using low interest debt

>In the process, also fuck over the bond holders because they will probably get some form of cucked deal once Russia and Belarus negotiate some form of debt restructuring to pay it back

So....what's the end goal here really? There's only two things that are happening:

- The ordinary Russian is forced to suffer
- The rest of the world is forced to endure higher prices and potentially famines
- A few oligarchs lose their yachts (oh no)

What the fuck is the west doing?

Attached: file.png (1658x1552, 2.45M)

What happened to a good old fashioned revolution?

People are too pacified to do anything. But with bread and circuses leaving Russia, maybe the people will stop giving a dick.

Drinking Russia’s milkshake.

>the world deals with higher prices
for a year tops. once america and china picks up the menial slack left by russia the world will leave that country behind.
russian migration bans are currently in the works so these cockroaches will be trapped in their own shit pit

And where will you get your natural resources like rare earth elements from?

china and the us also africa. as it turns out rare earth minerals arent that rare.

actually you got the rare mineral relationship completely backwards lol
"At present, 90% of rare earth materials are imported to Russia – mostly from China. In 2016, Putin described the metals as “critical to Russia's defence capabilities” through their use in military equipment. Even so, 80% of consumption is fuelled by the petrochemicals industry.Mar 3, 2022"

>What if kike numbers on a screen look different
Nothing happens

The plan is to bankrupt the middle classes worldwide.

Look up russia-serbia flights mutt

when number in your bank account changes to 0 does 'nothing happen'?

Paying with rubles at a market price is not a default, just a slightly inconvenient, let the credit hodlers exchange them for whatever currency they want

Same as COVID. Over reaction by politicians to make it look like they are doing something while putting in as little effort as possible. They all want there moment in the spot light. It's some sort of celebrity personality syndrome, I can't figure it out. They feel a need to stay relevant though.

negligable. we dealt with 0 trade and hostile russian airspace for the entirety of the cold war. what a stupid argument and of course its from russias number one bitch, the turkik rape survior

Your Jewish system is collapsing and you’re asking “what happens when we apply our Jewish system to sanction another country illegally”?

You’ll see nigger, here we call it “The Great Reset”

he said migration bans. entry bans for russian citizens. not air space bans

They don't have any debt. Why do Americans try to distract from their hyperinflation and astronomic debt ?

>russia turning itself into north korea is a sign its winning

former rape survivor, you're being raped by jews as we speak mutt

even so there are work arounds. a lot of soviet airspace was closed during the cold war

not really I dont live a country that just murdered its own economy

Versailles did the same thing to Germany, be careful what you wish for zog

>you must kowtow to our worthless system of fiat and debt!!
I don't think the West truly understands the importance of the war taking place. You can rate them however the fuck you want, Russia will hold nearly all the energy supplies and superconductor materials on the continent. Europe WILL have to buy from them. It's either them or China, and China is siding with them. There's no "America" left to buy from because Democrats have gutted this country.

It's such a catastrophe NATO countries thought they could just neoliberal the fuck out of Russia and ruin it the way they ruined all other Western nations. Decoupling them from the financial system was probably the stupidest decision they could have made because Russia isn't coming back to that table and in 20 years they'll hold all the cards. The West now has zero bargaining power.

Just to clarify, despite the flag, I'm actually Indian. I will gladly join in on shitting on the American Jewish system but that's for another day.

I really don't get the "rare earth" argument.
Australia mines a fuck ton of them.
We don't produce/ refine them due to our environmental laws being retarded.
Most of china's "rare earth" products are mined in foreign countries and refined in China due to their lack of environmental laws.
Surely you Americans can buy/ bully a south American country to refine the shit if we mine it.

>So....what's the end goal here really?
collapse of the state (glownigger assisted with a possible coup / assassination, but good luck with that it's the fsb)
followed by a partition of Russia

the USA security apparatus does not want Russia to exist. hence the eastward expansion of NATO and the refusal to admit Russia. this has been the long-term goal for 30 years - surrender, or dissolution.

knowing this is why I have little patience for people saying that the Russian state is responsible for the current conflict. to believe that is tantamount to believing that the Russian polity has no right to exist (and I'm aware some people here believe that), but very few will publicly give voice to this obvious conclusion.

GAE wants to reduce the Russians to a non-sovereign vassal, a la Germany, Japan, South Korea.

Attached: Screenshot_20220302-153242_Reddit.jpg (672x816, 71.24K)

moron russians have had centuries of suffering and q's to get a loaf of bread you think taking their mac shit is going to make a dent???

Hungry people are pacified even more, retard,
Russians aren't pacified though. We are quite positively energized with a situation.

>china and the us also africa
the Chinese seem to be taking the Russian side in this.

we're doing a lot more inhouse production now ever since covid resource scarcity. fuck I wish i remember the name of it, but theres a critical component that most electronics use that we're currently setting up a factory for. prior to that they were only made in tiwan and china. maybe someone knwos what im talking about

Literally nothing.

Greece proved foreign debt is a retard juice scare tactic.