Leftism doesn’t wor-

>Leftism doesn’t wor-

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Why is every second post some pretentious faggot from twitter with a gotcha post?


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Stop making this thread faggot

Maybe leftism in America bring in bed with big pharma and the DNC being blatantly and openly rigged by corporate lobbying influence has something to do with this?

USA healthcare is just a scam

Because the west allowed leftism to fester for a century and a half.

Twitter screencaps are like catnip for polchuds

>>Leftism doesn’t worm its way into jewsh communish
it does tho

>Twitter screencaps are like catnip for polchuds

go back to re/ddit

>universal healthcare is such a complex beast that only 32 of the 33 developed nations have been able to make it wor-


You know, I'm not opposed to free healthcare but I am opposed to heavy taxation. Healthcare providers and insurance companies have driven the market too high. We either have to pay an ungodly amount for healthcare we need or regularly pay what is essentially a tax for good health insurance, or pay a bunch more taxes for healthcare that will pretty much be primarily used by other people, particularly the health-ignorant and the irresponsible, like the obese. It is a lose lose situation for everyone. The only solution I can see is just to enslave all doctors. We have a specific class of medical slaves that are seperate from tge rest of society, raised on nothing but brainwashing and medical textbooks, and paid with Schrute bucks to use in the camps they live in. They'll think everyone lives like they do, and if they are none the wiser, they'll be blisfully ignorant, so no snitching niggers.

healthcare is incredibly complex.
this guy is so stupid that he has no idea what he is talking about.

because it's a subliminal programming bot

>Universal healthcare works
kek. Funny guy.
Just because you don't see the cost doesn't mean it's not there.
It's just that I, the person who plays it safe, has to pay for you, the person who doesn't.
Or rather, every person who smokes a cigarette pays for it through exorbitant taxation.

Has it retweet numbers?
Has it a date?
Is it a nobody

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As others have stated in many of the same threads, most of us are all for some form of universal healthcare. Unfortunately, with how the government is these days, they'd completely fuck it up and we'd have something way worse then we have now.

It doesn’t work in Germany you wait months for treatment. And it’s not free I pay 700 Euros a month

Let’s see how that healthcare works once America pulls out of NATO and they actually have to take care of their own military security. Then when we stop sacrificing American jobs and implement more protection as policies let’s see how the healthcare in those nations hold up.
>tldr universal healthcare only exists in nations that are protected by America

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>most of us are all for some form of universal healthcare.
>most of us
Imagine thinking the last 2 years was a good example of the benefits of government controlled healthcare. Did you forget how they can simply deny you service you payed for if you disagree with them?

If you think getting half your paycheck taken away is "working" then sure.

It's also the best in the world lol
rNHS, the sacred cow, holy mother, divine institution regularly leaves people to die in pain as its not worth a doctor's time to see them
In America you will ALWAYS get treated

Paid shills.

If you go here too much you'll notice they're lazy and reuse the same images over and over even 8 years later.