Closing of McDonald's in Russia in numbers:

Closing of McDonald's in Russia in numbers:
>167 billion rubles in tax payments to the budget;
>850 restaurants in 60 subjects of the Russian Federation;
>60,000 jobs at Mac itself and more than 100,000 at suppliers;
>7% of the Russian catering market;
>$2.5 billion investment in the Russian economy.

Attached: 275494702_2022420621273338_7456098148989267462_n.jpg (1162x611, 203.3K)

and they're going to nationalize it.

Damn. No McGriddles. Why go on?

if you knew a single thing about ruskies is that they can't self organize like at all. that's why they literally had to be used as slaves and killed for disobedience under stalin to achieve anything. they're niggers in everything but name only

>nationalize all of those restaurants and rebrand the whole chain as Moy Donald.
problem solved. all of the ingridients are being produced domestically anyway

speaking of food, do you intend to grow any crops this year at all? or are you going to starve millions of your citizens to death again?

>cost to the health system

do you XOXOL have new pictures or you keep spamming pics from 1990 kek
thanks for fake news faggot

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>or are you going to starve millions of your citizens to death again?
i mean, come on. you wish.

Patton was right about you asiatics

Aren these restaurants run by russians anyway. So what wuld be the problem with nationalising it?

does russia have state healthcare, they probably saved themselves in 167 billion rubles worth of health costs associated with overconsumption of fast food so it nets off

this is the iconic image of the opening of the first mcd in the soviet union. how uneducated are you, you dumb nigger

garbage food

Then without corporate oversight from America everyone starts stealing and half-assing their jobs and within a month they're selling fried rat on a stick at a loss.

You know it, I know it, everybody knows it.

kek, poor food quality is the least of your problems when you consume krokodil and wash it down with copious amount of alcohol

that's what he said you illiterate fucking kike

> Closing of McDonald's in Russia
Fake and gay. They seek for a new way to transfer currency to the HQ.

t. friend is a manager

I like McDonald's breakfast burritos, do they serve those outside of America?

Someone needs to open a new version, just rip everything off minus the poisonous ingredients and call it a McPutin, or McMendeleev.

>be russian McD corporate manager
>import 20 years of product right now
>set up 20 proxy 15 VPN payment process
>get (((food)))
>cancel payment
>no fucking ??? that shit lasts for 20+ years
am i doin it right?

McDonald's caters?

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good riddance fuck capitalism and globalism it just destroys local culture and turns earth into america

FuckFace, your logic is very stupid.
Here is why.
People will spend money on other food and gov will collect taxes from sales of other foods.

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The Russian staff are still being paid wages, at a cost of $50 million per month to McDonalds. Westoids are now paypigs to Russian NEETs (formly mcwagies)

Do you guys have Jack in the Box? It's better than McDonald's in every way but I don't know if they exist outside of America.

Attached: Jack.jpg (474x316, 24.97K)

american fast food is nigger tier anyways. good for russia taking care of theirs.

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In all fairness McDonalds brings in 3 billion dollars per quarter just in America. 50 million to them is like 50 cents to the rest of us.

And now a Russian company gets to take over all those McDonald's and money will stay in Russia instead of leaking out to the US.
Russia wins, McDonald's loses.
No refunds.

The pic with the cars and clothing etc looks like piics of the UK in the 70's and early 80's