Repill me on Japan

Japan has always seemed like a nice place to live. I love their culture: anime, manga, music, traditions... but I've heard that their working life is terrible. Is it true? Any other negative aspects?

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if you're not japanese then fuck off.

It's a very rigid society. If you don't fit the mold, your life is made hell.

As much as I love anime I'd be ashamed to emigrate to Japan and spread the cancer of multiracialism, even though I'm white

if you act like you act in your country then is better to fuck off, learn the language at least, and be rich if you don't want to work all day

Settling down in japan with a cute femboywife would be nice. Its very popular nowadays in asia for men to look as effeminate as possible maybe because they want BWC ?

No, that's just their standards for what is "manly" being the opposite.
There, the stereotype for a gay man is the big burly lumberjack type.



It's not the work culture itself, but rather their idea of groupism. If you are someone from outside their group or deviate from it, you'll ostracized or bullied until you leave on your own accord. Some people would call it gatekeeping. It's both good and bad in different ways but in general it's bad.
If you're a foreigner working for a foreign company stationed in Japan, you'll be fine. But go for the more national traditional office jobs and such you'll want to kill yourself over how shit it is.

Anime and manga are not Japanese culture, Japanese culture was literally bombed away with the war. They are just nippons taking clues from Disney, the asiatic version of the cheap entertainment that started to plagued the West.
Or would you say that animated movies are Western culture?

>anime, manga
Go back to Any Forums hikikomori wannabe

What exactly is so attractive about living like a cockroach? Japanese live in housing the size of my washroom, walk everywhere, work soulless, boring jobs that don't pay well, are sexual degenerates and pedophiles, and are introverted (mentally ill). Their young men are lazy clumps of human skin that play video games all day and don't have sex. Instead they buy those ugly body pillows. Their women have always been bipolar and are crazy. Though, even though i do not like chinks, you are not one of them and therefore you should leave them the fuck alone instead invading their countries.

That's like saying writing isn't European because they didn't invent the first writing systems.
Just because they didn't invent animation (and use a French loanword for it) doesn't mean they didn't make it their own thing, weaving their culture through it.

Thank you for the proper if/ then statement. I appreciate that.

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It’s shit for the japanese too, their culture has its roots in worshipping Juju Bongo, the mongol version, so there are tge usual problems that negroid worship cause (nonsense being treated as normal, faggy authority figures having random temper tantrums, stagnation, ritualism, chronic fatigue, …).

>are introverted (mentally ill)
Hah. No.
We just find you exhausting.

>Japanese live in housing the size of my washroom
Just get a regular sized apartment in that case? You know, like in the west?

>It’s shit for the japanese too
Oh yeah, I meant in general. That includes the japanese. They have it even worse than foreigners since they have to live with the shit. I don't know about juju bongo, or whatever that is, but the issue is rooted in the idea of Bushido.

Never will I settle for a bugman weaving statements not on a world forum

Big Beaner Cock yes

Work is a punishment anyway. Don't work, let others work.

Japan is hell on earth. Nice to visit, though. You think they jump in front of trains and don't reproduce because it's a healthy environment?

Dumb move for someone that is in their working prime; low ceiling for professional growth, overwork is very real. The economics were built around making fuck all in your 20s so that ppl in their 40s have enough to send kids to uni. Education system is ass. Purely math/multiple choice based (everyone knows the “kid colored an apple green instead of red story”). They don’t even have assigned reading. The further you dig into it the sadder things get. Shit environment to raise kids (not that you’ll have any).

Only spots with decent living spaces are in the boonies meaning 2hr+commute each day.

Weed is way less dangerous than people would have you believe, though it is very expensive.

don't be a dancing monkey like 90% of the people that come here as english teacher

and learn japanese, life can be pretty good

I pay $2700 USD/mo for my apartment. My TC is $290k/yr.

In Japan, my apartment would cost $30,000 USD/mo, and my TC would be $120k/yr.

Jee, I wonder why only loser fast food workers move to Japan to teach English? Unless you are a mentally ill, bottom feeder in the West, or a pedo, then moving to Japan is an exercise in retardation.

I want to put my johnson in a cute japanese woman

Had scholarship at university of Nara, before all this shit with ukraine happened. Was going to study there starting october, but now idk. Are foreign biolody/medical specialists valued in japan or you need IT and Engineering monkeys?

>if you're homeless, why not just buy a house? Like normal people do.

Okay, but what does that have to do with getting a regular apartment in Japan?

I want to put my Johann in a cute Japanese woman.

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Well, you don't just move to Japan without a plan.

Viel Erfolg!