Fun Fact

New Sweden in Delaware was largely ethnically Finnish.

Attached: Nya Sverige.png (1280x640, 8.99K)

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>And now they look like this. Here's 10 reasons why that's a good thing

Attached: HOME.jpg (336x188, 27.01K)

So USA is actually Finnish


Delaware is Finnish/Fenno-Swede. Rest of it is rightfully English, Mennonite and Dutch since French Canadians and Hispanics aren't Human.

Upper Peninsula of Michigan is rightfully Finnish completely.

Thats right. Also the frontier spirit so many Americans have is our gift to America.

First true American was the "Long Finn" , who wanted to overthrow English authority already in 1669.

Finland has nothing to do with America

You have to go back

Finland was once a Swedish Colony before it was transferred to Russian Authority and because of their hardiness, the Swedes saw them as fit colonists. The Dutch dashed the dream however.

shut up nigger

Attached: 7.07_anc_finnish_2012.jpg (2200x1700, 892.89K)

Who was this "Long Finn"?

Around Finns, the ice is thin.

What ever happened to the Finns of Delaware?

Attached: Yan.jpg (1280x720, 141.17K)

Rambo was Swedish, from Gothenburg

Sylvester Stallone is not Swedish lel.

No, but Rambo was

Oh. Peter Gunnarsson Rambo. You know he's pretty unknown in the Anglosphere sadly.

It's where the name Rambo comes from

I googled it. Fascinating character. Fellow connoisseur of Tobacco.