Is it possible to be an American patriot while also sympathising with the Confederacy?

Is it possible to be an American patriot while also sympathising with the Confederacy?

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No. Any breakup of the Union is only going to bring on more orcs and savages. Making California a protectorate or brutal vice royalty without state powers for x amount of years will need to be done, though.

The Union was mostly conscripts and immigrants, the south was mostly native born and volunteers.

The South was right about everything. Less than 2% of the south actually owned slaves, nobody outside of the wealthiest people in the south gave a duck about them and the only reason people in the north wanted to end slavery was to end the south’s ability to finance dissent.

Yeah because the South is what America should've been

If you dont wish the Confederates won then you aren't a patriot

its the only way to be a patriot


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american patriotism/nationalism was an invention of the civil war. nationalism is inherently tied with "union".


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The Conderates were acting in footsteps of the revolution. They were the real Americans. The USA does not exist anymore we are now some retarded and hoc "Country of America" with no real foundation or genuine social contract. We dont even have a federal government at this point we have a national government and a giant standing professional army.

Technically, he is correct. Before The Civil War, there was more pride in one's state. The USA was a proto EU created for defense purposes because the individual states would not have survived.

they did not start a revolution to form a country. they started it to leave one. the declaration of independence doesnt even mention a new country

once again our conception of modern day nationalism and american patriotism stems far more from the civil war period

Yes. The greatest mistake America ever made was going to eat to free niggers

not really no

Yes. President Lincoln’s last orders were pardoning of the rebel soldiers in order to have them returning to their farms and businesses. He ordered the hatchet buried and that edict has silently stood to this day, and has justified the reason even confederate battalion deployed positions are allowed to be memorialized alongside union battalion positions at civil war parks.

You understand they knew the war would happened eventually?

No, it's not


“Union” is still “federation”. Nationalist pride in bureaucracy is a joke.

Wrong in part. Modern nationalism was promoted by the central banking policies of the union, and their de facto destruction of state sovereignty (the inability to secede peacefully) that is true. But it took more than 50 years for this deception to become complete. In fact, Teddy Rossevelt was a big part of shilling "America" into the psyche of the public. Songs like "America the Beautiful" and other propganda were shilled relentlessly leading up to and just after the turn of the century. Even up until that point there was still a general understanding that we were first and foremost- a union of states. Then during the interwar period you really get into the genuine modern conception of the "Country of America".

At any rate we ratified a federation. No one ever ratified a national government, no matter how many foreign wars and how much propganda you shill, or how many deluded generations go by having forgotten the truth, "the Country of America" will always be illegitimate and everything that springs from it will he illegitimate. If you want to make it legitimate- ratify a new contract... it is that simple.

He destroyed any semblance of genuine state sovereignty by waging a destructive war to deny them the right to secede peacefully. Then he used the war to ram through modern central banking which effectively destroyed any genuine power the states could ever have... what was left to do? He literally destroyed the union.

In order to have a "union" you have to have genuine distinct parts working together willingly. The states are no longer distinct in any way (they are just lines on a map now on the important issues of governance) and they are forced into a body together. What sort of "Union" must be held together with grape shot?

>Is it possible to be an American patriot while also sympathising with the Confederacy?
They unironically were American patriots.

thats really interesting. i wonder why this patriotism exploded in the interwar period in particular.

This sounds like Jewish definition twisting.

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>they did not start a revolution to form a country. they started it to leave one.
Damn that's a good soundbite, I'll have to use that in future.

The last time American soldiers were the good guys they were called the Confederate Army.